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Search results

  1. Sign Company Logo (New)

    I would have never left signs 101 for so long If this guy was around pretty entertaining I will give him that
  2. Sign Company Logo (New)

    I will never look at flynn signs the same again I thought it was just a small job shop. I will honk when I pass on the 405 everyday now i salute you. I saw they were hiring on craigslist offering 13 an hour a few months ago this is what happens when you go cheap flynn.
  3. Plumbing Company Logo in Redondo Beach CA

    chill out on the blow.....
  4. Chatterbox Designs Company ID interior sign

    i drive by flynn signs everyday, I think you will look back at this logo in a few years and get a good laugh out of it as I have looking back at how bad I was (I still suck) at designing/drawing logo's and understand these guys know what they are talking about. Either take a few classes or...
  5. Small PVC Letter help

    Good Point.
  6. Cutting aluminum on a router

    1/4 inch aluminum 1 pass 60 feed rate 7 plunge rate and anywhere from 18,000 to 24,000 rpm's all day long. Onsrud 1/4 aluminum cut spiral O, it makes a big difference. when the finish on the side of the letter needs to be clean, so when u polish them it takes less time. If the sides are not...
  7. Cutting aluminum on a router

    .25 will cut like butter with plenty of fluid it makes a mess but it is what it is.
  8. Small PVC Letter help

    small letters with pvc can actually be pretty simple, I used to use the bridge but the cleanup after was a pain, so what I do now is take my 1/8 onsrud and any A's or B's etc. that it wont let you toolpath because the bit is to big you change the settings of the bit to make it work only on the...
  9. Cutting aluminum on a router

    cutting fluid, wd40, cooking oil, anything is better then nothing you can't cut aluminum dry with a good result. I had the same question a few years ago. Even i'f u don"t have a mister on your cnc get a spray bottle and spray away.
  10. Font ID Help Needed

  11. I Am Begging For Help Now Please!!!!!!!!

    there is a job scale when you go to cut or print, make sure it is at 100%. It's located in the size box.
  12. Font ID

    Thanks In advance.
  13. Plotter Help?

    connect your plotter to lpt1.
  14. Font ID please

    thanks much you the man.
  15. Font ID please

  16. Simple and good flexi tip

    or you can use step and repeat.
  17. dxf / autocad HELPPPPPPP

    He can open .dxf, you might just need to tell him how to import into autocad.
  18. Need an Invoice

    Post the pics of the broken pc-60.
  19. Font ID

    Thanks in advance.
  20. wanting to do contours in Flexi - pulling my hair out

    Try converting it to outlines. Sometimes it works for me.