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Cutting aluminum on a router


New Member
Hello I have been using my cnc router for the last 4 months with very little problems except when it comes to aluminum. I've been able to cut through 1/4" but would get chip re-welding and have to stop the tool and restart that's during a 8-pass set-up..

I am mainly cutting less then 6" letters and am pushing to use 3/16" to 1/8" tools and would like to know the rates at which you guys are having success at. Mainly cutting 1/4" Al. I've had huge variances of speeds and feeds and would just like to know what you guys rock. Thank you very much. Recently I stepped down to HSS tools after conistent carbide breakage.


New Member
Yep, too little info. Carbide will always outcut HSS, and if you're breaking them, you're running too fast. Are you running coolant or just air on the bit? I used to run an old Vytek with a 3hp spindle; .080 aluminum backers I'd run all day at a conservative speed ± 1.25 i.p.s. at 15000 rpm. I'd be dumping coolant on it, too, and rarely had a chip get lodged in the flute. Oh, and I used a single upcut spiral as well. If you use a downcut spiral, it'll load the bit and break it no matter what you're doing.


New Member
Grade and hardness mean everything.
There are many variables.

As well as tap magic, plain old Crisco from the grocery store works pretty darn good, and doesnt stink the place up too bad. I hate the smell of tap magic.


New Member
Looks like I orphaned this post and forgot about it. I am using a spindle w/ onsrud carbide and niagra hss. I've screwed/vacuumed the aluminum down, I have direct air, but have not got any coolant solution otherwise. I even have trouble cutting .040 which is ridiculous.
So it sounds like you have a solid hold down, what are your fees and speeds? Bit model number? I can't strongly suggest Belin bits enough for cutting alum


New Member
cutting fluid, wd40, cooking oil, anything is better then nothing you can't cut aluminum dry with a good result. I had the same question a few years ago. Even i'f u don"t have a mister on your cnc get a spray bottle and spray away.


New Member
1/4 inch aluminum 1 pass 60 feed rate 7 plunge rate and anywhere from 18,000 to 24,000 rpm's all day long. Onsrud 1/4 aluminum cut spiral O, it makes a big difference. when the finish on the side of the letter needs to be clean, so when u polish them it takes less time. If the sides are not important I go 2 passes twice the speed and leave 2 .032 bridges.


New Member
cutting fluid, wd40, cooking oil, anything is better then nothing you can't cut aluminum dry with a good result. I had the same question a few years ago. Even i'f u don"t have a mister on your cnc get a spray bottle and spray away.

A squirt of detergent in the mix helps stop the mister from gumming up with oil. Even just plain water/detergent mix works well with aluminium.

1/4 inch aluminum 1 pass 60 feed rate 7 plunge rate and anywhere from 18,000 to 24,000 rpm's all day long. Onsrud 1/4 aluminum cut spiral O, it makes a big difference. when the finish on the side of the letter needs to be clean, so when u polish them it takes less time. If the sides are not important I go 2 passes twice the speed and leave 2 .032 bridges.


New Member
In regard to lubrication.. If you have the money for it and want a Pro set up.. Check out the UNIST website they sell lubrication systems that connect to your CNC Router.
If your looking for a CNC Router and UNIST set up check out this link Vision Engraving & Routing Systems you can get a CNC Router or Engraver with a UNIST System.
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New Member
I use Onsrud 33635 1/4" bits. Part number 9445R5798-0, which has a channeled tip about 0.75" long. On a multicam L series CNC, I can cut 1" up to 3" thickness with a long enough bit on multiple passes.

Typically, for 0.25" thickness 6061 AL, I set the router to 18000 RPM, at a 45 in/min. speed, 15 in/min plunge, single pass with a 0.10" high, 0.5" long bridge as needed. Using a sharp bit, lubricating, and blowing off the chips helps to ensure no re-welding. Securing to the vacuum table also is a must. Excessive material chatter = bad.

Hope this helps!


Active Member
1/4 inch aluminum 1 pass 60 feed rate 7 plunge rate and anywhere from 18,000 to 24,000 rpm's all day long. Onsrud 1/4 aluminum cut spiral O, it makes a big difference. when the finish on the side of the letter needs to be clean, so when u polish them it takes less time. If the sides are not important I go 2 passes twice the speed and leave 2 .032 bridges.

+1 to this... and +1 to needing cutting solution (or a crapload of bits)

even if you can setup a garden hose and just run water across your sheet as it cuts is better than nothing.