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Yea....we print a 4x8 full bleed solid color background 100% coverage in 20 minutes.
I used to be able to hand paint a 4x8 in that length of time but it would burn the hairs out of my quils when I did so now we have a printer !! :Big Laugh
We print at 720x720 and it will print a 4x8 in around 20 minutes. The print quality is over the top incredibly great. I suppose it might print faster at a lower resolution ?
how do you do that ? Do you use a font ID program ? I tried a font I.D. program once it generally came up with aroun 140 some odd fonts that it "might" be.
schurms........From what I've read & some limited experience with owning the ValueJet I suspect you are 'dead on' right.....ValueJet is great....other Mutoh's suck.
We just spent $100 on JuiceDrops.....we have PS ver 6 & CorelX3.
Maybe that's good enough to get started....dunno.
How much is the latest greatest version of Photoshop ?
What was it someone said regarding Juice Drops & CorelDraw ?
I understand Juice Drops is intended for use with Adobe but will work with Corel.....with limitations.
What were the limitations when using Corel ?
Sold a lot of guitars on eBay. One for $2750 and shipped to Japan. Shipping was $450.
Got ripped off for $1600 once on eBay. Customer just gave me a good all American screwin'. I bought his product and paid my money....he thumbed his nose at me and said see ya buddy. Sue me if you think...
You are right.....but ONLY from your own perspective.....a cash only perspective. I am right from my perspective.
For me.....I already had an up and running sign business of hand painted signs that I could barely keep up with. That's the reason I needed to computerize (early 90's) With 15...
sturgiss88..........don't let being a newby stand in the way of getting your share of advise being tossed around.
That's the beauty of Internet......you can push your way around and nobody is going to punch you in the nose or ignore you during lunch break !!
if you ask embarassing...
Jerod.......you're blowing my cover.
I work hard on this chat forum to come across as an old geezer, rude, inconsiderate, narrow minded so-n-so. Don't rat me out as actually being a nice guy !!
I tell my wife...........I'm being an ass on Signs101 and she just cringes wishing I would shut up ! !
I tell her think of it like "Internet Sports" where you compete to see who can throw down the biggest bunch of crap !! haaaaaaaa
My biggest claim to fame is.......if I say something...
Howdy Jarod (Buddy here)........
If you do buy Corel X3........I recently purchased it (a real version) for $200. But Redline (another member here) purchased it for $100 on eBay.......(a real version).
Neither came with the big thick book. Instead we both use vtc.com for tutorials...
You see.......I have one guy at least who thinks I'm at least 'okay'.
I am having to redeem my reputation here on 101 after starting out as a smart-a-double-s. I think I rubbed a few the wrong way at first but now I am a new and improved version !! haaa
That link Rod sent you is perfect. I scanned down thru it......glanced at it.......and it appeared to me everything is there.
Your 2100 series should be (if I remember correctly) 99% exactly the same as the 3100 series. I don't think Graphtec changed the LCD interface...
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