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Search results

  1. Question Takeup failure?

    having an issue with our mutoh vj1617h, we seem to fairly consistently have a takeup failure (?) when printing 3/16 paper faced foamcore see the picture, this always seems to happen at somewhere around the 2' to 3' point as material feeds it makes me suspect the conveyor tables i built (lifting...
  2. Question Mutoh valuejet ink low beeping

    our VJ1617h is getting cranky 4 new (last week) ink cartridges, just be 90% full after "shake all cartridges" prompt, error shows C ink low with constant beep, tried putting in old cartridge with some ink in it, changing smart card still prints fine, what am i looking at ink level flag?
  3. Question Mutoh, ink pulls back

    we only print a couple days a week on our mutoh vj1617h, but i wet the captop daily & print a color wheel every day i notice lately that from time to time the ink will "pull back" and i will be missing a color (normally cyan or magenta) printhead, captop and dampers were new in january does...
  4. Question Mimaki JV33 "printhead bracket"

    wondering if anyone has one of these in their junk pile. started with a broken screw & someone who occasionally works with (for?) me didn't recognize what is beyond his abilities hoping to get a replacement part, so we don't have to get a welder to fill the hole
  5. Question rip error sending to mutoh, but not to roland

    i am trying to do a couple seating charts for a good friend's daughter's wedding they sent a pdf (possibly done in illustrator?) fonts are not attached, (we can find them) so i allowed flexi to substitute arial, to see how the graphics print sending to my mutoh vj1617h, i get a rip error...
  6. Question MY FIRST HEAD CLOG (MP31)

    number 10,000 if you count aqueous & eco solvent it is a stubborn sob i am still a stranger to the mutoh hybrid does anyone have a better suggestion than adding isopropyl to the cleaner solution? (ecosol i would use acetone)
  7. Question does "preparing for long term storage" really work?

    i have always been a skeptic and figure cleaning & a nozzle check every day is the only thing that keeps print heads in good condition i read the suggestions to flush all lines, etc and figure it is the next thing to freezing ted william's head, so he can be brought back, in the future i am...
  8. sizing a vacuum pump

    i anticipate cutting A LOT of small printed numbers (1-5/8" squares) from polystyrene with drag knife IF I FABRICATE a small vacuum table 24" x 48" how do i size the vacuum pump to hold my sheets? i know when i look at the specs on a gerber sabre it seems like i could power the east coast with...
  9. Question export pdf's as jpg?

    is there an easy way to bulk export a couple thousand pdf's as jpg's? i would like to have a good representation of our work, as a slideshow, on tablets.
  10. Question Odd sound from my mutoh

    everything is working fine, but, since the day we got it, the mutoh vj1617h makes an odd sound when advancing substrate (roll or rigid) obviously not a real problem, more of a curiosity, the sound has been described as sounding like i gave a 5 year old a Tuba
  11. Question Mutoh cleaning mode (turn it down to a simmer)

    i certainly have a love/hate relationship with my new (to me) valuejet 1617h what a terrific printer! HOWEVER the way it goes through ink & cleaner, it would be cheaper if i got it to try cocaine in the last couple days there are 2 cleaning mode lights lit normal and long (i have to assume this...
  12. Question Modifying Juki sewing machine

    we have a juki 563 sewing machine & although it is almost NEVER used (we make very few banners now) i would like that to change i would like to eliminate the bobbin for bottom thread feed & allow it to feed from another large thread spool anyone ever done anything like this?
  13. Question source for roland sheet cut blades?

    i checked with our local roland supplier & the sheet cut blades for the sc545-ex come in a packagevof 25 for like $75. the one that is in the machine has been there for around 2 years & is not giving a clean cut. the $75 won't kill me (it may wound me a bit) but, i figure i will be about age 190...
  14. Question source for awning materials

    not a business i no a lot about. other than sailrite, where do you go for awning materials?
  15. Question print to 2 printers from one rip

    our mutoh is running great. ARE WE ALLOWED with flexi 19 monthly subscription, to send to 2 printers simultaneously? i am asking about license restriction, i understand about memory and core requirements
  16. Question what manual cutter do i want?

    doing a job with about 500 signs on heavy glossy photo paper I AM LEFT HANDED, so when i use the roto trimmer, i work from the other side than donald does. i am sure that is part of the problem, but, this type of trimming seems to be one of those things that I REALLY SUCK AT i am not cheap...
  17. Question how to package paper signs?

    we will be providing a series of paper signs (diamond digital heavy, glossy photo paper) 12x24 & 18x36 to one of our large clients, we will provide a label with description, item number, code39 barcode and a thumbnail and so far, are planning on packaging by rolling the long side in brown...
  18. Question reverse block letters in flexi 19 ?

    i have never claimed to be a graphic artist (isn't that the truth?)\ i can't figure out how to do reverse block lettering in flexi (red background, transparent text) we always do the text in adobe, but, surely this is like when i stand in front of the fridge and can't find the salsa?
  19. Question the mutoh is VERY THIRSTY!

    i dont know who to ask, since the hybrids are an unusual beast... our "new" (to us) VJ1617h has new heads, captop, dampers, lines all flushed new set of unexpired ink. due to a bunch of things happening at home, i have hardly printed at all. (maybe 30 sq feet in the last 3 weeks) all test...
  20. Question Mutoh VJ1617H autoclean settings

    we are still getting our "new" VJ1617H setup (building conveyor/tables, etc) we enabled auto clean (routine setting) one of the cleaning cartridges empties in 5 days. seems a bit excessive... i have wanted a hybrid for a number of years, i guess "it is like a yacht, if you have to ask what it...