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Search results

  1. Question FLexisgn mutoh edition

    we just acquired a VM1617h which originally came with flexisign mutoh edition we did not get the software with the machine 2 questions: is there a procedure to request media replacement (keyed to our serial number [a process we use all the time with roland, they are very helpful]) one of...
  2. Question register for "mutoh club" for downloads

    we attempted to register for "MUTOH CLUB' to be able to download softwares (status monitor, etc since both of our mutoh machines are used, i filled in NONE for dealer we purchased from and at the end the registration rejected our serial #, since it was used previously i imagine if a dealer...
  3. Question Mutoh How to cancel ink change sequence?

    we replaced printhead, and other parts over weekend. cartridges were all expired, so changed the whole set (bags and smart cards) flushed lines & one of the guys chose replace inks in menu we come up "READY TO PRINT" but if you choose nozzle check or send a print job we get a beep and...
  4. Question mutoh valuejet REPLACE TO INK ?

    putting everything back together with new head, cap top dampers, etc we flushed all the lines with solvent to get flush out we chose replace inks now when you try a nozzle check the error "replace to ink" comes up is there a way to cancel ink replacement mode?
  5. Question who has green sintra?

    we are making sample menu boards for a couple clients and both use a darkish (hunter?) green in their logos and branding i thought i had gotten from harbor sales before, they say no.
  6. Question Pricing board number sets

    we are developing a series of menu/pricing boards for a few of our cllients what they are using now has styrene inserts with approx 1-1/2' numbers are there wholesale sources for quantities of numbers of this type (to be inserted in H channel)...
  7. Question HOW DO I CHANGE MY INKS?

    we recently acquired a mutoh valuejet 1617h that has been sitting for probably 1-1/2 years we will change ink lines, where necessary, orings cap top and of course prink head it was telling me on the display M ink end & W ink end, we changed the cartridges, all well and good i changed the cyan...
  8. Question j channel source

    a large client (large to us, anyway) requested we look into making pricing boards what they call menu boards, using 1-1/4" polystyrene or sintra strips for product name & price inserts. looking for a source for J channel and h channel to make these up backing would be sintra
  9. Question Why no clear or varnish for Mutoh MP31 inks?

    last month we bought a Mutoh VJ1617H running MP31 inks. we have not set it up yet, that will be a project for end of january we are ordering printhead, dampers, capping station ink lines, etc Now my question. the machine had a completed 60" banner on the take up reel (all inks are expired) we...
  10. Question Roland BN-20 does anyone know?

    i just bought a beat up roland bn-20 "parts machine" UPS dropped it on it's head, the seller collected from insurance & sold the head carriage everything powers up, so i figure it is a candidate for "buy 2 and make a good one" but i was wondering, is the head carriage assembly the same (or very...
  11. Question roland parts machines, cleaning out the clutter

    we are making space, anyone have any interest in roland parts machines? (or anything to take off them?) (2) fj-52 's (!) aqueous, one converted to solvent, new heads 3.5 years ago we lost the discipline of running a test print every day. (1) sc-500 complee (1) cj-400 many missing parts (3) pc...
  12. Question mutoh vj1617h ink end MP31 ink

    we just took possession of a valuejet 1617h late friday and we have a magenta ink end error there is a full bag of ink in place & i would like to get past this error to start getting my order list together we are 30 minutes from beacon graohics and it looks like they have the magenta mp31...
  13. Question Mutoh mp31 ink

    we just took delivery of our used Mutoh vj1617H does anyone know where i can get a magenta MP31 cartridge? (east coast?) i suppose i could use an mp3 cleaning cartridge, so we can get past that screen
  14. Question Do mutoh want you to register a used machine?

    i know roland wants you to do this, even with a 20 year old machine. they won't provide part information until you do this is mutoh the same
  15. Question Convert Mutoh MP11 to MP31

    has anyone had the experience of converting a mutoh hybrid from MP31 inks to MP31? we acquired one (I LOVE A PROJECT!) & i would like to convert to CMYK =+ WHITE and look into converting to MP31 inks before i put a new head in it. it doesn't come with the original tables, but that is ok, i...
  16. Question Do Mutoh MP11 inks freeze?

    i am making arrangements to ship a machine we purchased i am unfamiliar with Mutoh MP11 inks. they are obviously not eco solvent & mutoh says 50% of the liquid is "derived from corn" i assume this is not moonshine, but who knows? there are a lot of liquids derived from corn does anyone know...
  17. Question ROLAND "those horrid little plastic rivets

    you know the ones, they retain the ribbon cables and tiny circuit boards (2 piece plastic rivet 2.5mm or 3 mm diameter) on the older roland printers does anyone have a part # to order a bag of 100 or so they are hard enough to put in when they are new and i am getting blinder by the day...
  18. Question Cutter carriage ribbon (s?)

    when i print a full 52" wide, my roland sc545-ex makes an odd "crunching" sound it appears the ribbon cable is delaminating i am attaching a picture does anyone have the part # i need for this?
  19. Question how to tension replacement vinyl on an awning

    a good friend asked if we could replace the printed vinyl on his (stationary) awning. obviously have never done one. i feel we have all the various equipment one would need (bucket truck, scissor lift, scaffolds, fabrication shop) what equipment or technique am i missing that would allow me to...
  20. Question sandwiching mdo with aluminum faces

    we are replacing a 48" x 76 MDO double sided sign (UV printed about 7 years ago, the whites are rapidly turning brown) it is 3/4" mdo,my intention is to take a sheet of 5/8" mdo, paint & seal the edges, then have WYLD GFI print it on for me on .040 aluminum, spray the mdo with something like...