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Search results

  1. HP L25500 Latex vs Mimaki UJV-160 Hybrid

    I think most who have a Latex machine will agree it is far superior than solvent for wraps beause of no wait to lam and its stretchability.
  2. Wraps using Latex?

    Back to the OP... The Latex ink is a lot more forgiving on bumpers and areas I need the stretch. It does not look desaturated when stretched. I also don't have to wait on overlam, so I can do a full box truck wrap and have it back to the customer same day. I will post some pics when I get a...
  3. Ink Disposal

    I'm not trying to pick a fight, but for those higher volume guys...and gals, this is not a "best practice"
  4. Ink Disposal

    Yeah, sure. Dig to the bottom of that kitty litter bucket and see if there is any ink sludge. Most people will dump way more ink into the litter than it can possibly disperse.
  5. Ink Disposal

    Depends on the printer and the age of the machine. One liter per month is not uncommon. I used to fill a 25 gal small drum in a year or so when I used ecosol and solvent.
  6. Ink Disposal

    Because the solvent does not evaporate out of the kitty litter like it does out of our banner material. If you can remove the solvent then yes, I suppose that would be the same technically. The problem is that you are a business that is dealing with a labeled hazardous product. Do you really...
  7. Ink Disposal

    Now that's environmentally friendly!
  8. Ink Disposal

    Safety Kleen Little Rock, AR 11727 Arch Street Little Rock AR 72206 501-888-1782 Springdale, Ar 1887 FedEx Drive Springdale AR 72764 479-756-4022 The Kitty Litter trick will win you a hefty fine and some bad publicity.
  9. fabric printing in ink solvent

    I use Neschen http://www.neschenbrands.com/websites/sealbrands/neschen.nsf/htmlalias/purecolormedia
  10. MachServTech


  11. HP Latex Printer- how many 220v?

    Although unlikely because of the ABB breakers internal to the machine, it is always safer to install 2 separate lines. If the breakers fail to trip it will instantly smoke the PCA board. $3000 Two Lines at these specs: Input voltage 220-240 V~ (-10%+6%) Input frequency 50/60Hz Power...
  12. Considerring Caldera as a RIP

    Based on your equipment you will be happy with Caldera's perfomance. As you know it is a Linux/Mac only platform that allows multiple instances on a network with one license. My favorite features are in the color mgmt and profiling, contour cutting is also nice...not a big fan of the interface...
  13. Snow storm???

    SNOWPOCKYLYPSE! :omg: Our mountains may miss this one. I hope. Good luck to all our S101er's dealing with this.
  14. Roland vs. Mimaki. Help me decide.

    If ventilation is an issue, look at the HP L25500, plus maintenance costs are going to be low because of the replaceable printheads. Downside: Needs two 220v connections. Does not come with a RIP. Upside: Major reliability. No daily cleaning/maintenance.
  15. Is signs101 sluggish today?

    Anal Probes? we have that here too....its called "Monday". Needless to say, I am glad its Tuesday.
  16. Is this site for real?

    There....fixed it for ya! :wink:
  17. OEM latex ink

    Flaar is doublespeak and opinion (some of which is paid for), with a few specs and speeds thrown in for good measure. Nothing you couldnt get from going to ISA or SGIA and reading the spec sheets for yourself. I have seen printed samples of the SAM ink for the L25500, but I get the impression...
  18. GS6000 take-up

    Contact Keith Prado at Epson
  19. GS6000 PMS Color Matching

    A temporary fix untill you get a spectro and profile software is to find a CMY chart like one made by Summa a few years back. (note its the EPS CMY chart at the bottom) Print this then alter color accordingly. Not as sophisticated as Catsper, but you get the idea...
  20. Formal howdy from indianapolis

    Welcome to S101!