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Search results

  1. Tractor + Police = mayhem and or Mosh?

    You really think he makes his money on soybeans and signs ? Soybeans is a code word for ganga . Every farm in the country is bone dry but not Mosh's :help :ROFLMAO: /sarc
  2. Southern customers are always so nice

    It is because the Southern Girls are so Sweet :clapping:
  3. Retailers Ready To Force Consumers To Pay ‘Swipe Fee’ For Using Plastic

    Every time you use your credit card, the store pays up to 3 percent of your total purchase to the credit card company. It’s called a “swipe fee” and now some fed-up retailers are getting ready to pass this cost on to you, in the form of a surcharge...
  4. Just need something close

    It showed up after I posted
  5. Just need something close

    Invisible sans ?
  6. any herd of bullet proof vinyl?

    http://www.armortex.com/bullet_resistant.html http://fibrolux.com/index.php?id=423&gclid=CO-smLmSsbECFYcBQAod1goAkQ http://www.armorco.com/shop/custom.aspx?recid=12 http://www.pacificbulletproof.com/products/bullet-proof-acrylic/...
  7. Looking for a sheet metal shear.

    http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/category_metal-fabrication+benders+metal-shears http://www.ebay.com/itm/16Ga-Cap-52-W-Birmingham-O-5216-C-Foot-Shear-SHEET-METAL-SHEAR-Cast-Iron-Body-/400306779908?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5d3424b704...
  8. Damn Gino !!!Clumsy

    The Coganc, a Clos de Griffier Vieux from 1788, was destroyed after Gino who had ordered two glasses of the brandy at £5,050 a measure, asked to look at the bottle. As the customer stood up, he sent the bottle flying across the club, before it smashed on the floor. The Cognac was due to...
  9. World's Best Kept Secret - Sticker Vinyl

    I am using http://www.cibersupply.com/concept-201-3.4-mil-matte-white-vinyl-5-yr-30-inch.html from Ciber Supply. In Corel I flex cut around the sticker then contour cut around the flex cut . Then just punch sticker out of sheet. Then I have the sticker with a .5 mm edge that stays on the backing...
  10. Wearing Out Welcome???

    Gut instincts are something that can not be ignored. To me it sounds like your intuition is raising Red flags ! Tell your daughter that if she were not to go through the marriage would not be the end of the world . If she is going to get married to not upset everyone that is the wrong reason ...
  11. Ethical? Not in my opinion.

    Wrong on so many levels . But this is the country we live in now , people are rude , obnoxious , self centered ,greedy , clueless , juvenile , and stupid . It has spilled over into business and corporate and political arena. And I blame the way people are raised.... Everyone is a "Victim" Nobody...
  12. Black Bear sign

    Very good .
  13. too good to be true?

    We have U-Verse , never a problem.
  14. One of those days...

    If that's as bad as it is ... You are doing better than most . :toasting:
  15. Installed the Mallard Sign

    Very good
  16. Free4Him your one stop shop for all man-related interests

    :ROFLMAO: I have not had a drink in at least a month......maybe that's the problem :help I really think I am due for a good "Bender" :toasting:
  17. Very durable, UV resistant print vinyls and overlaminates

    I have a Summa Thermal DC4sx From what I know..... Dependable maintenance free printer , can be shut down for weeks and turned on and print like it did before you shut it down. If you laminate your prints , 10 years is not out of the question. I think you should contact Summa and get a sample...
  18. What Successful People Know About Weekends

    We all look forward to weekends. But are you really making the most of them? Few people are, because we tend not to think about weekends holistically. Here's one way to look at it: There are 60 hours between 6 p.m. Friday and 6 a.m. Monday. Even if you sleep for 24 of those hours, that leaves...
  19. Free4Him your one stop shop for all man-related interests

    It is not spam , I get those emails every week. I have also signed up for some of the free stuff . I know nothing is free , the stuff they send is usually discounted stuff . It is leget , just don't use your work email. They are not too bad though. I just thought some people might like it .
  20. Free4Him your one stop shop for all man-related interests

    http://free4him.com/cool-free-stuff/air-optix-contacts/ http://free4him.com/cool-free-stuff/4-pack-of-redbull/