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Search results

  1. Heat and Humidity

    I use a thicker overlam when I know I have to install in 100+ outdoors.
  2. Need advice on printing on reflective

    Start with the environment for 3M IJ180C or the Avery Cast MPI-1005 I believe that Colorburst loads the Avery in the native download. This will be your closest starting points, unless you contact Larry at Colorburst to see if he has an actual environment for the reflective you have. The...
  3. Green Basement Banners Business

    Meh, your dog is slow. I post to this forum regularly as my master is in the British Virgin Islands. BTW my grammar is better than his anyway...and so is my math. TTL Squirrel!
  4. my day rots so far...

    I know a shop that wrapped the wrong tractor trailer this week...with digital printed 3M reflective. That's just rotten luck! Maybe you should buy a lottery ticket, cant stay bad forever!.....you have a lot of good karma headed your way :)
  5. Dogs Anyone?

    We have adopted 3 dogs. I recommend: http://www.petfinder.com/
  6. Tragedy Strikes

    Amen +1 enjoy the ride, every day.
  7. Paul Jr. Printer - Sign Shop in a Box.

    Oh I cant wait! http://www.pauljrdesigns.com/
  8. Anyone having this problem-GS6000

    Donny7833, The reduction belt may be over tensioned. Ask the technician to show you his tension method and spec he is using. He should be using some kind of force gauge to measure this. The green ink will always be an issue because most rips use the green channel very little or in some cases not...
  9. Construction Site Sign Fastest Method?

    Yeah silly! Pft! Why would one have any reasonable expectation of help at Signs 101? Bob you exemplerfy the coceptilation with regard to the art of Troll.
  10. Droid Phone...critique wanted

    I have the Motorola Droid and love it. I am upgrading to the Droid X It really is the Android OS that is superior http://gizmodo.com/5554293/10-things-android-does-better-than-iphone-os http://gizmodo.com/5518214/whats-with-all-the-android-phones-heres-how-to-pick-just-one
  11. Wall graphics?

    It really depends on the look you're after and the removability. I like to use the Avery MPI 2601 Wall Film for indoors and the 3M IJ8624 for most outdoor. For a glossy look with the MPI 2601 I use a gloss adh.overlam.
  12. New flatbed digital- 110,000 sqft/hr

    Sounds like an R&D project that is looking for a market...good luck. At speeds in the neighborhood of web offset quality control will be a nightmare and the finishing systems would have to be huge.
  13. Blackberry versus iphone.

    I don't think so, but you can use remote desktop software with iPhone and Android. I Have a Motorola Droid and use remote desktop to monitor printers and their associated web-cams. I believe you can also directly control the Caldera RIP through an iPhone. (unconfirmed) I had an iPhone but...
  14. Help in bringing hp 9000s back to life!

    Thats how I do it as well. I have refurbished quite a few HP9000 and HP10000. The only thing I wold add is an ultrasonic cleaning metal jewlery basin for about $70. This is a good way to recover heads. Also Acetone works well to recover the printheads and is cheaper than other solvents. It is...
  15. Newbie looking for HP Scitex FB 910 Flatbed printer tips

    Make sure you download and read all of the user manuals about maintaining jetability, media feed compensation and machine maint...
  16. FRANKEN-PRINTER!!! (carriage mod')

    I get tygon o-rings, tubing, valves and manifolds from http://skycraftsurplus.com much of it is not online. I make a special trip every time I go through Orlando.
  17. printer smears long stripes across print

    Check underneath the printheads for hair strings or debris.
  18. Digitally printed window blinds -

    I designed a jig that holds each individual blind then is rolled into a UV flatbed printer to print direcly on the finished blinds.
  19. Designjet 9000s "Service Needed" Error

    A counter has reached end of life....and it is unlikely that it is six months old as they were discontinued two years ago. It should not have stopped your machine from printing. If it did you have an old version of firmware.
  20. 'Green' Marketing

    Tossing in the trash may not be an option forever... In some places....probably California or Oregon they will start to figure out much of our industry substrates have higher lead content than lead based paint. I think the handwriting is on the wall in some locations...probably not anytime soon...