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Search results

  1. Banding In Black

    What does the nozzle test look like?
  2. Happy Birthday Marlene!

    Happy Birthday!
  3. Roland printing wrong color

    What does your Nozzle Test (test print) look like? Any missing nozzles?
  4. Work done by my shop

    Let us know when you tackle that chrome....send pics then
  5. HP 9000s Service Manual

    pm me for details
  6. HP Latex printer.

  7. Atlantic Computer (fraud)

    How do you have a dog in this race?
  8. where i can get chrome vinyl good quality

    a post was deleted?
  9. where i can get chrome vinyl good quality

    I kind of like his persistence :toasting:
  10. where i can get chrome vinyl good quality

    I dont think it comes in reflective chrome....anyways; Farhat please re-read the descriptions on that site......nobody is painting anything......its just another kind of vinyl.
  11. Signs101 "Quote of the Week"

    Originally Posted by thesignguy1986 I love the fact there is open forums and such on this site but some people just get a little lippy with comments they post...I come here asking a simple question I'd like to let you know I've been doing this for 7 years and I can price out...
  12. Cheap Customers !

    That is the theme so far this week :ROFLMAO:
  13. HP Latex printer.

    Interesting. To be clear it is still hot out of the machine or is it warped from the heat? Also is it banner material you are cutting on the zund or styrene?
  14. HP Latex printer.

    Search Signs 101 "Latex" "L25500" you will get a good idea. Please let me know what your experiences are as I am interested in buying one very soon.
  15. where i can get chrome vinyl good quality

    I think Oracal Chrome is the way to go here, but man this is an interesting thread.
  16. Wall graphics not sticking.

    +1 needs to outgass up to 24hrs before cutting
  17. where i can get chrome vinyl good quality

    Thats why I am fascinated. I would love to see this done.
  18. where i can get chrome vinyl good quality

    Looks like you can request a sample from them. Thats what I would do first.
  19. where i can get chrome vinyl good quality

    Ok, maybe the di-noc folks could have a crack at this. http://www.idsfinishes.com/
  20. Merritt Graphics

    Someone mentioned to me (maybe here?) that you guys are running a new L25500. Is that true and would you care to give some feedback about what kinds of media work well and your likes dislikes? Your opinions would be greatly appreciated