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  1. roland sp540 test print

    thanks people! boy do i have alot to learn..printed banner black and red text onthe ultra flex ..red was a deep red...
  2. roland sp540 test print

    now i have manually cleanned it, how many swabs should this take, and what else do you use when you run out of swabs..,the wipers look liked they had a globe of black on one and a globe of red on one is this normal?thanks
  3. roland sp540 test print

    no i haven't cleanned as of yet...here is a pick of the last test...thanks
  4. sp540 base poin

    oh good looking sign ..the one prefab out of metal;)
  5. sp540 base poin

    thank you Aaron
  6. sp540 base poin

    ok i set a base point now how do i get back to the original start point ?power machine off and on? thanks
  7. utraflex and sp540

    What profile do you use for this in versa works, i have no knowledge of building profiles...thanks and are they a how to book or tutorials on building these profiles,i wouldn't know where to start... thanks
  8. roland sp540 test print

    ok, 3 power cleannings and waiting awhile inbetween cleannings has solved the problem,High Impact i would have tried your solution but i need to get familiar with the componets first,really didn't want to chance it because not sure of what the nozzles are..but everyone thanks for the tips!!
  9. roland sp540 test print

    ok, how do you know if the pumping station and capping is sealing, now tomorrow i am getting a roll of 30 in ultra flex banner material from beacon i have a 6 ft banner to print black and red text, will this plugged head hurt the print? and you wouldn't happen to know what profile for me to use...
  10. roland sp540 test print

    it's getting better after another power cleanning.and just sitting....
  11. roland sp540 test print

    i bought this machine from usa sign supply 4 mths ago and they said it had the better pumpin it.., i have only printed two banners, and maybe 50 2x3inch decals with it,although i print a test file with it that grahixtreme posted,once a week i print it, i am in the process of moving to my shop...
  12. roland sp540 test print

    are they a pdf for this..i am new to this sp540
  13. roland sp540 test print

    didn't work, now for the next step,thanks
  14. roland sp540 test print

    Hello can someone tell me what is happening to this test print with the magenta or what ever else you see worng ,i did a head clean and no help,, thanks
  15. Photoshop tutuorial

    i got a few from here..http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=adobe+photoshop&search_type=&aq=f
  16. SP-300 Profiles

    hello i am following this thread as well how do you adjust colors for black...is that in versaworks as well? thanks
  17. vinyl to print on

    what is a good vinyl to print small decals on this would be for cars and what laminate,and what profile ...thanks
  18. roland sp540

    daige ok where is the best deal on the 55 in with ftand and foot switch...thanks
  19. roland sp540

    hello all, i need some pointers here,i have the roland sp540,and i am looking at laminators, now i do not use printer all the time and never have laminated, i very rarely do 4x8's,mainly bought machine for decals,i need input on a reasonable laminator and what size should i buy, i am looking at...
  20. playin around..

    hello all...from ohio...nice board you have here...been playin with graphics for 2 yrs or so (playin because i have a full time job) but getting ready for retirement with the knowledge i pick up from these forums..got some great tutorials and tips along my way..really am not a designer...