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roland sp540 test print


New Member
Hello can someone tell me what is happening to this test print with the magenta or what ever else you see worng ,i did a head clean and no help,,
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New Member
Try more powerful head cleanings and see if it gets any better. The nozzles
are clogged. If that doesn't work there are several more steps you can take,
but the powerful cleanings should take care of it.

high impact

New Member
I disagree with more powerful head cleanings unless nothing else is working FIRST. Pinch off the drain lines to the capping stations and fill with head cleaning solution - park the heads and let soak for a little while.


Dab cleaning solution very lightly on the nozzle screen itself...VERY lightly!

Both these should work for you. Keep us updated.


New Member
Try more powerful head cleanings and see if it gets any better. The nozzles
are clogged. If that doesn't work there are several more steps you can take,
but the powerful cleanings should take care of it.
didn't work, now for the next step,thanks


New Member
I disagree with more powerful head cleanings unless nothing else is working FIRST. Pinch off the drain lines to the capping stations and fill with head cleaning solution - park the heads and let soak for a little while.


Dab cleaning solution very lightly on the nozzle screen itself...VERY lightly!

Both these should work for you. Keep us updated.
are they a pdf for this..i am new to this sp540


New Member
i would have a closer look at the pumps and capping stations. has this machine had the upgraded pumps fitted.
also the yellow is starting to fail in the same area indecating the pump may be poor



New Member
i would have a closer look at the pumps and capping stations. has this machine had the upgraded pumps fitted.
also the yellow is starting to fail in the same area indecating the pump may be poor

i bought this machine from usa sign supply 4 mths ago and they said it had the better pumpin it.., i have only printed two banners, and maybe 50 2x3inch decals with it,although i print a test file with it that grahixtreme posted,once a week i print it, i am in the process of moving to my shop since i got a controlled enviroment for it, (tempeature wise.)but anyway int does that self cleanning thing and i do a head clean every once in awhile,i am not familiar with these printers so i hope with no more than i printed with it it isn't the pump. and how will this effect my print with this head clogged like this,are they anything thing else i need to do?


New Member
it really needs to do some more work and you are leaving it switched on yes.

the capping stations and pumps must be sealing and working correctly for the cleaning to work



New Member
it really needs to do some more work and you are leaving it switched on yes.

the capping stations and pumps must be sealing and working correctly for the cleaning to work

ok, how do you know if the pumping station and capping is sealing, now tomorrow i am getting a roll of 30 in ultra flex banner material from beacon i have a 6 ft banner to print black and red text, will this plugged head hurt the print? and you wouldn't happen to know what profile for me to use would you? thanks


New Member
ok, 3 power cleannings and waiting awhile inbetween cleannings has solved the problem,High Impact i would have tried your solution but i need to get familiar with the componets first,really didn't want to chance it because not sure of what the nozzles are..but everyone thanks for the tips!!
have you tried cleaning the heads(not the bottom around the edges only)? clean or replace the wipers and the wiper scraper?

it looks more like an alignment issue to me. can you post some pics of the most recent test print?

the nozzel plate is the bottom of the printhead where the tiny(nozzels)holes are theat the ink comes out of. you do not want to touch that, unless the head is total clogged with dried chucks of ink, which has probably rubbed off the wipers froma lack of cleaning.

my .02


New Member
have you tried cleaning the heads(not the bottom around the edges only)? clean or replace the wipers and the wiper scraper?

it looks more like an alignment issue to me. can you post some pics of the most recent test print?

the nozzel plate is the bottom of the printhead where the tiny(nozzels)holes are theat the ink comes out of. you do not want to touch that, unless the head is total clogged with dried chucks of ink, which has probably rubbed off the wipers froma lack of cleaning.

my .02
no i haven't cleanned as of yet...here is a pick of the last test...thanks
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New Member
no i haven't cleanned as of yet...here is a pick of the last test...thanks
now i have manually cleanned it, how many swabs should this take, and what else do you use when you run out of swabs..,the wipers look liked they had a globe of black on one and a globe of red on one is this normal?thanks
dude seriously, i clean mine every week weather it needs it or not.
buy some swabs(lint free) from a dealer, fellers.com maybe and buy a small amount of solvent ink cleaner.
dip the swab in the cleaner, wipe off excess.
#1 clean the heads (NOT BOTTOM) sides only. this will take a while if you have never done it. use one, two or three swabs for each head, dont interchange the swabs between heads. clean till theres no more color coming off the sides, front and back of the heads.
#2 wipers if you havent replace them. if you cant then clean them and stick'em back.
#3 clean the wiper scraper. thats what scrapes the ink off the wipers. replace this first chance you get. its like $3
#4 clean the capping station caps, dont remove just clean in place and be careful to not get chunks of dried ink in there.

if you havent cleaned for a while or ever this would take 12 or so swabs for me to do.

if you do this every week it is real quick and simple and takes me 4 swabs and just a touch of cleaning fluid, and about 30mins total. this simple maintainance will save you big money in the long run. like 12 foot long prints with bands that you have to reprint because of poor cleaning.

last: doing a head cleaning only cleans the lines and inside the heads, if theres a bunch of ink chunks on the wiper or scraper then you are just wasting ink$. when the real problem was that nice chunk of magenta ink on the scraper that just kept smearing it onto the print head with no or small results with every push of the cleaning button.

my $.02
here are the parts you may need. buy them from your local roland dealer, usually they are less$ thatn stated here.

1 - Filter (m) serge mist 2 $2.50
1 - wiper scraper $5.70
1 - 4oz cleaning fluid $5.70
the wipers and swabs buy from fellers that are much cheaper. a 10 pack of wipers is $35 and a 50 pack of swabs is $12


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high impact

New Member
Kustom is correct...clean the machine often!

Although, if your printer only prints occasionally you may need to clean those nozzle screens once in a while. They will get plugged no matter how often you perform a maintenance clean. When you get nozzle drop out after the printer sits awhile and you have to unplug those nozzle screens, soak a cleaning swab in cleaning solution then dab ever so gently on the screen (bottom of head), then fill the capping stations with solution and park the heads for about 10 minutes.

I have found a great cleaning tutorial on printingdigital.net for the Roland Versacamm. It has been posted here before as well. Do a search, you should find it.


New Member
thanks people! boy do i have alot to learn..printed banner black and red text onthe ultra flex ..red was a deep red...