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Search results

  1. All Ladies ??Please help

    We got married in Nashville, went to Opryland several times for different stuff./ ... This is where I got married...http://www.thehermitage.com/ This sounded different. The only reason I asked is cause being male not knowing if it was appropriate or not. / If only I was a metro sexual...
  2. Spider

  3. Spider

  4. All Ladies ??Please help

    :thankyou: :thankyou:
  5. All Ladies ??Please help

    Not really
  6. All Ladies ??Please help

    Thank you for replying. Women are very hard to read sometimes. (always) Gifts are good or disappointing,I did not want the latter.
  7. All Ladies ??Please help

    I need to ask all ladies a question. Is a Hot Air Balloon ride for an anniversary gift ok or not ? Serious question. I am open to suggestions , within reason. Thank you :)
  8. Power Backup

    http://www.powersupersite.com/UPS_Rentals_a/131.htm?gclid=CPrgg8PO568CFQFeTAodlALF0A http://www.staticpwr.com/ups_rental.shtml And the contractor should pay for it.
  9. Lion tries to eat baby

    Darwin comes to mind... The gene pools needs cleaning. !
  10. Lion tries to eat baby

    That lion just will not give up. Only a piece of glass separates us in the food chain.... http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2012/05/03/Tries-To-Eat-Baby
  11. dilemma...

    It might be an optical illusion. The bottom of the stripe has the rivets almost perfect. With the letters and box different sizes could be just negative space . And your app tape is not straight.
  12. Days like today make me want to crawl back in bed.

    You don't know what a bad day is. This guy now... What officers thought was a counterfeit $50 bill turned out to be an old, legitimate bill, but the truth wasn't discovered until a man was mistakenly charged and jailed Friday. http://www.t-g.com/story/1843748.html
  13. Marking Sign Stakes

  14. Price of the Sign Question Solved!

    Dollar general has them, different color also !
  15. Kinda cool

    I was working at the Airport last week and saw this. http://recyclerunway.com/fashions/caution-dress/ I told the guy that I was working with that is the dress I was getting my daughter !
  16. Anyone near Sarasota that can make these people a sign ?

    Darwin comes to mind, but a little too late. !
  17. 2012 Nor'eastern Mixer

    Maybe you can move it south this year ? http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/30/tagblogsfindlawcom2012-freeenterprise-idUS298626847220120430 They need the money.
  18. Anyone near Sarasota that can make these people a sign ?

    Those people need a Bill Engvall sign' The bottom link.