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Search results

  1. steelers jets..........

    i see a STEELER WIN...................be a nice game STEELERS vs DA BEARS!!!!!!
  2. How bout dem steelers...............

    now that was a football game!!!!!
  3. heart surgury

    UPDATE JAN 13, 2011. had office appointment with surgeon at 10 am. he is amazed at my amount of total recovery in such a short span of time. wasnt allowed to drive for 4 weeks ans he said i can do short runs to the store if i want but no road trips. bruising and scaring are minimal and he said...
  4. Old Paint lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    got released from hospital 1/4, bout 4 pm. been felling ok. new years eve, it atarted, managed yo make it to VA monday morning, they threw me in a bus, and back to hospital. did heart cath at noon tuesday ,and went right to surgury till 8:30 pm. cardiologist said i had "the widow maker." has a...
  5. Best christmas present

    18 months tumor and cancer free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! had a systo this morning. dont need nothin else)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  6. AVG blocked a threat from signs 101!!!

    anyone else seeing this?
  7. Haluski, if you like it you will love this.

    since that post i was gona make Haluski tonite but didnt have any egg noodles so i did my other favorite polish cabbage food.....HA-LUPE-KEE. otherwise know as "cabbage rolls." EXCEPT.......i didnt want to spend all day cooking like my mom did when she made these, i devised what i call "stove...
  8. I can hear you NOW!!!!!

    got these yesterday, had no idea i was that DEAF!!!!! the keyboard i have is so loud when i type))))). turn on the water in the sink, and that thing that makes the water sorta bubble when it comes...........IS REALLY LOUD))))) paper bag being crumpled...........OUCH!!!! these things are adjusted...
  9. Got heat!!!!!

    not a really important thing in the south but HEATING THE SHOP, sometimes is needed. i kept lookin for a good small furnace, and ran across this one on craigslist for $60. it was set up for natural gas, and i wasgona run it as such but, seems getting 60 feet of pipe from the house to the shop is...
  10. remember that caserole dish i started?

    here is the finished build of it. its now ready for a "bisk" firing, then i can then do the glaze finish and fire 2nd time. i added the handles to the body, made a lid, then put the inner lip on, let that dry and then added the lid handle.
  11. doin hand built pottery

    this is 1st stage of a 11-12" long casserole dish. need to let it dry to a "leather hard" form, then i can add handles of some sort and maybe a lid.
  12. Oracal mask

    i like this product, BUT THIS ROLL is gettin me P.O'ED!!!!! i buy mask rather then using regular vinyl.......CAUSE THE ADHESIVE on mask, is supposed to come off the sub straight WHEN YOU REMOVE THE VINYL. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLL............ i got glue stayin on the sign...
  13. Dale chihuly

    just check out the glass work.........AWESOME. http://www.chihuly.com/
  14. gettin it up!!!!!!

    sunday evening, decided to see if i remember how to throw on a wheel. 1st lump of clay, centered on the 2nd push, opened and WALA............i still got the basics, need to practice a little more. sorta like ridin a bicycle, you never forget.
  15. sign from restore the sanity rally.

    you gota love it...........
  16. Humor for a friday afternoon!!!!!

    didnt want to put this in NHB humor..........this is funny)))))) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E_0oOc6Lf8
  17. new direction of work!

    wellllllllllllllll......i aint buyin no damn big printer, and i still want to do ARTISTIC stuff that requires some talent..............so i scored these pieces of equipment for a great price. not much fixin to do and i should be in production by begining of 2011. did this work while in college...
  18. Worst Music Video ever!!!!!!!!

    housewifes of new jersey...............was bad enough now she thinks she can sing???????????????tooooo funny!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZRKu2BXP-I
  19. CIS ink system

    anyone else tried this ? i have an HP K850, and each cart of ink is $38.00. and it has 4!!!!!! i got the CIS kit today, only modifaction i had to make was to cut a small 1/4 X 3/4" piece outa the cover for the print carts so the ink tube wouldnt be pinched when the cover is closed. replacment...
  20. So you think you are artistic???

    look at these and keep your chin from hittin the floor!!!!! http://www.greendiary.com/entry/dalton-ghetti-creates-amazing-art-on-the-tips-of-used-pencils/