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Search results

  1. How honest are you?

    How is Business Gregg?
  2. Star Trek = RGBY

    Maybe a little of both!
  3. Star Trek = RGBY

    Mosh is that Weed or Beans in your Picture.
  4. Star Trek = RGBY

    George Takei (Sulu) adds a Fourth Color to RGB. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hSnAxvRdmY&feature=player_embedded Now Maybe I won't have to explain CMYK 10 times a day.
  5. Does anyone else have a Mimaki cutter that is a POS?

    Man am I glad I didn't buy one.
  6. SSD Drives Revisited

    Prices on the performance SSD's are coming down. Kingston just released some. Reads at 200mb/s writes at 160mb/s http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820139137 They will keep getting better and better and cheaper and cheaper. These days its best to have an SSD in your Design...
  7. Big Squeegee for under 20$

    Firefox or Chrome. Built in Spell Checker. http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/firefox.html
  8. Possible New Copyright law.

    The FCC just proposed a new type of Copyright in it's new Broadband plan. It would be voluntary, identified by a new copyright symbol. It gives the express permission to use the work for any educational work. Schools, Universities etc. The FCC can't make the law, it's only suggesting it to...
  9. Fast Signs

    I don't think I've ever heard of fast signs being cheap or under cutting prices. They all have to pay their franchise fees. I think it's like 7% of revenue. Revenue, not profits from what I heard. So realistically you could be 7% cheaper than them.
  10. Big Squeegee for under 20$

    Well regardless, I might be able to build a Fletcher Terry Cutter out of a old piece of scrap metal, razor, and some shaving cream. Doesn't mean i want to, or it's reliable. My customers can also go to home depot and buy some MDO and paint their own signs. Why do they by it from me. Because...
  11. Big Squeegee for under 20$

    Isn't the big Squeegee patented?
  12. I am all in !! Contract on new shop.

    Man am I jealous. Very nice set up you have there.
  13. Looking for a smart person....

    Greencard holders since 1850
  14. Looking for a smart person....

    "Paying Taxes Since 1850"
  15. "I know this is being nitpicky, but...

    you: "Sure can, but that will be a $25 Revision charge." 9 out of 10 times: "Ohh really, ohh lets just keep it like it is" You have to put up a revision fee for ANY change. This will stop customers from requesting change after change after change.
  16. Caveat Emptor: (Thinking of buy Wasatch Softrip?)

    Ohh and Wasstch makes RasterLink for Mimaki.
  17. Mimaki JV33 Crash

    what version of RasterLink III? I would recommend that you make sure you have the laster version of RasterLinkIII installed which is 1.21 Update link here: http://www.mimaki.co.jp/english/download/uc_index.php If your on the latest version the next would be to update the firmware on your...
  18. Caveat Emptor: (Thinking of buy Wasatch Softrip?)

    My Experience with softrip was rather bleh as well. I evaluated all of the rips. Wasatch was the only one that refused to give me a trial version at first. They said that they NEVER do that. After I pressed they finally gave me a link to their FTP for a Unregistered version. After playing with...
  19. New computers/upgrade

    Get an i3, i5 or i7 depending on your budget. I also recommend getting a SSD drive. NewEgg has some good combo deals for system builders. Combos here: http://www.newegg.com/Store/MasterComboStore.aspx?StoreID=7&name=DIY-PC-Combos Daily Deals here...
  20. Internet Speed Test from the FCC?

    So they know where to send the black helicopters. I know there are a ton of sites to check speeds, but this one is from the FCC. Even if you don't use it, you should know about it.