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Search results

  1. wrap design

    wrap design

  2. Helvetica Documentary

    Bump for the weekend! anyone check this out?
  3. Sun Chemical inks experience

    sun makes ink for a lot of OEM's. It is very reliable ink.
  4. printer problem? or Rip software problem?

    Randya is way more expert at this type of printer. Maybe he will chime in, or you could PM him (her? don't want to be sexist)
  5. printer problem? or Rip software problem?

    unlikely...look elsewhere first Nozzle Test Profile Settings
  6. Print resolution differences on Roland printers

    yep, thought so too until the Epson GS6000
  7. Finally saying hello :)

    Hello there
  8. Helvetica Documentary

    I download this from my Xbox video store ....I thought it was gonna be boring but it was absolutely fascinating I give it four thumbs up :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: Here's the link for more info, I http://www.helveticafilm.com/ Enjoy!
  9. Epson Pro GS6000 Printer

    I agree with that, but either Mutoh was incapable of driving their own print technology to this level, or the GS6000 print heads are so much better than their Mutoh cousins that it is able to achieve this level of quality. BTW I am a fan of the Mutoh printers, but I definitely think Epson has...
  10. Roland revolutionary new wide-format inkjet printer?

    Look out Flexo!
  11. Epson Pro GS6000 Printer

    I think its the other way around....as much as Mutoh would like to take credit, it sounds like Epson licensed the wave technology along with their printhead to Mutoh. (so now they can use it in their own printer no problem) The structure was manufactured by Mutoh, but the boards, new dual...
  12. magenta printing black

    os101king, Did you ever figure out what caused your Magenta problems?
  13. Calling all Illustrator smartys, how do I get rid of this?

    +1.....just make sure to preview in Preflight
  14. Anyone Play Any Games?

    Fallout 3 and all of the DLC's :wink: that was one hell of a game....played through once as real good second time as real bad....had to see what it was like to set off them nukes :biggrin: Right now its Bad Company....kinda fun...I especially like calling in the airstrikes!
  15. Mutoh 1204 VJ Print Issues

    If you have worked on other digital printers, sure, but its not something I would walk folks with no exp. through over the phone. If you insist, get the service manual and practice doing all of the alignments first. That way if you don't install the head properly you will have a good...
  16. VP-540 heads dropping in and out

    check to see if the Y cartridge is empty and didnt tell the machine= run the damper dry.
  17. Anyone injection mold signs?

    +1.....looking through their portfolio I saw the THX movie den of my dreams!
  18. Can't figure this one out...

    ITC Franklin Gothic Book? closest I can get.
  19. Can't figure this one out...

    that looks like an old Compugraphic font....now if I can remember what is was.
  20. Looking for a Mutoh dealer

    http://www.robbco.net/ I can highly recommend this independent technician. His rates are very reasonable.