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Search results

  1. Seiko Nozzle Check Problem

    The print head itself has some serious grime built up I'd guess. Replace the caps, and the wiper bar and sponge. Make sure the wiper sponge always stays moist with solvent. Make sure there is no ink built up on the edge gaurds.
  2. Moving Mimaki JF 1631

    I apologize. I have given you bad info. I read your post incorrectly. I thought you were moving a roll to roll printer. Samurai Screwdriver is absolutely right. The only folks that should move that particular kind of machine ar qualified service technicians. You were right and your boss is most...
  3. Mimaki JV4- Sudden change in red colors

    care to post a pic of your nozzle test?
  4. Moving Mimaki JF 1631

    very carefully roll it (the wheels and stand are not that sturdy) if the wheels are broken I have used moving dollies strapped to the feet. Two strong people are required and great care must be taken when moving over door thresholds.
  5. BrandsoftheWorld.com

    very soon BOTW, vectorpotal....all will be pay per use.....their quality is crap right now anyways
  6. Is it normal that my SP540 can not pull heavy media by itself?

    that sounds very conspiracy theory ish...but with Roland I actually believe it.
  7. Mimaki Profile Master II Software

    Never heard of it. A component of Rasterlink?
  8. Is it normal that my SP540 can not pull heavy media by itself?

    I have run into MANY situations where the roll of banner (and in one case a huge roll of canvas) was too heavy to advance properly through the paper feed rollers. I have seen this in Mutohs, and Rolands. To a lesser degree with Mimaki and Seiko. Pre feed a few feet of media behind the machine...
  9. Moving Mimaki JF 1631

    somehow lock the carriage in place (foam blocks if nothing else), remove the takup, empty the waste ink, place a few shipping blankets over it, then shrinkwrap and carefully strap it into the moving truck. Pray :covereyes: just kidding....I have done this many times....make sure you do the...
  10. outlook express - new messages go straight to deleted folder?

    Sounds line an implementation issue with your ISP. Remember you are their customer. Don't give up until its right...squeaky wheel and all!
  11. outlook express - new messages go straight to deleted folder?

    gabagoo Something you might want to consider: My soloution for handling email in a print production environment is to have three different computers. I have one for admin/email and surfing the intertubes (with webmail client running so I can access it from anywhere). One for design only. (Has...
  12. Black fisheyeing

    should be upwards of 40c
  13. Black fisheyeing

    What are your heater settings?
  14. Black fisheyeing

    What profile and what media?
  15. Mimaki JV3 pump maybe

    CMYK parts seems ok, just buy a lot to make shipping charges worthwhile.
  16. Mimaki JV3 - Never seen this before!!! HELP!

    I have had good results with this method and a stainless steel ultrasonic jewelry cleaner (and acetone) this may not be something you want to tackle without a service manual though.
  17. Black fisheyeing

    its the result of a few possibilities: 1. contaminated media: dust or dirt, oil droplets, spraypaint etc. 2. not enough heat on the media: 40 C should be more than enough for everything except magnetic 3. To much ink for the media to handle. This will be obvious if the ink looks like it is...
  18. Mimaki JV3 - Never seen this before!!! HELP!

    It seems like you might break/damage/misalign stuff while you are cleaning, but the reality is this is not true. Just take your time and be thourough. Clean really well once a week with a bottle of Acetone and a lint free cloth. Make sure you use gloves and a pair of safety glasses. You will be...
  19. Mimaki JV3 - Never seen this before!!! HELP!

    do a nozzle test, take a close look at all of the little lines. Those are individual nozzles. Do more strong cleans (check your waste ink bottle first) and see if more of the nozzles reappear. If the nozzles are coming and going then it is air in the head, which may mean a bad damper. If they...
  20. Soljet Pro III gone haywire in a day - Cropmarks blurry Any Advise?

    nice explanation pic jester. Did you use Snagit?