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Search results

  1. Mutoh ValueJet 1608...WOW!

    Good, the industry needs a replacement for the Colorspan units in a price range that is affordable.
  2. Strange thing with RGB

    you should be able to set that in Production Manager in default job properties color management advanced tab
  3. Strange thing with RGB

    The problem sounds like you have a valid profile for CMYK and no color management for RGB. On a side note make sure you set your rendering intents for Relative for both Raster and Vector US Web Coated SWOP (or Gracol) for your source profile. Set source profile to Adobe RGB 1998 for RGB source...
  4. Mutoh Tech in the DC Area

    Glenn Robb is the best deal....very solid and trustworthy tech...and he is local to Va/ DC area. http://www.robbco.net/index.html
  5. Strange thing with RGB

    What software are you using?
  6. Hi From Maple, Ontario

    was working up in Toronto and asked someone where I could find a Dunkin Donuts, cause I needed a little coffee to get me going. They looked at me like I was growing a third ear...."whats a dinkin donut"?
  7. What should I charge for ink usage?

    LOL :tongue:
  8. Seiko print head problem

    Please post a nozzle check pattern so I can see how the nozzle failure is distributed. The second piece of info that would be helpful is: does the nozzle pattern change if you performed the test again after a strong cleaning, some nozzles coming back while others dropping out? IF this is the...
  9. Newbie question

    :Welcome: 2 :signs101: :thumb:
  10. Newbie question

    silly....you would be my customer..(I repair equipment...even yours...well maybe not yours...but you get it?) ....im just trying to help you understand why some might be offended.
  11. Newbie question

    The folks here make a living making signs for your friends, so what you actually said was "would you mind telling me what the best equipment would be so I can take business away from you" I realize you may not have intended to portray yourself in that light, but that is how many here will see...
  12. HP Designjet 9000S questions...

    Matt...You're so sexy when you talk techie :wink: LOL
  13. Epson GS6000 Yellow on back order

    any problems with the ink door sensors?
  14. Epson GS6000 Yellow on back order

    ask Mason, he has one and hes not shy about sharing his opinion :thumb:
  15. HP Designjet 9000S questions...

    When moving this printer it is important to lock the printhhead carriage into place on the capping station. (there is a bracket that fits into place with three screws) make sure the waste ink bottle is empty and the media is removed from the machine (dismount the roll as well) Use plenty of...
  16. New HP Designjet L25500 Series Printers

    I have been watching this technology closely. It seems the major problems will be media compatibility. This system will reqire very high temps on the media.
  17. NO BLACK after head clean!!!!!!!!

    Tractor Supply vet section, Pet stores, medical supply
  18. Direct-To-Garment Life Expectancy

    depends on what you mean by durable....washable? UV resistance?
  19. Content aware photo stretching

    This can be done in PS with a couple of steps, but its handy to know xara can do this in one step.
  20. Hello from Jakarta!

    Welcome to :signs101::clapping: