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Search results

  1. Uggghhhh

    Me: Here's your proof! You don't have a lot of space, so you don't want to over-crowd your text... Them: Alright, can you just add this extra text? Me: Sure... here's what it will look like. Them: Actually, can you just add this extra text? Me: ......Sure, it's gonna be a little hard to...
  2. overlaminate recommendation

    2611? For a mural, we haven't laminated and found it fine (running a Roland). However, with contour cut letters or images we found it lacking (even after offgassing) and moved to a different cal/lam combo. 2611 is already so thick that it's a breeze to install without lam. However, if you're...
  3. Is grimco down?

    We've been having issues with Grimco left and right, our orders never seem to have the delivery vs pickup correct.
  4. how do I print opaque black background for backlit signs

    It's also good to manage expectations with your client - if they're expecting a true opaque black-out, printing can really only go so far unless you're either layering the print or using cut vinyl made for that purpose. The layering is super helpful for gradients or other complex printed logos...
  5. Very frustrated with cutting. hp 315

    Was going to add, pinch rollers that are dusty do no favours, might be worth giving them a little clean ...these are so consistent that I don't think that is the issue.
  6. The Font Resource Page

    https://blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/ A lot of free resources and textures/fonts in action, as well as decent tutorials if a client wants something different. Some of it is behind an "all access" paywall, but a lot of it is free.
  7. Need Help Color printing is off.

    Glad to hear that it was just the caps. It's too bad about your tech - ours is nothing but helpful, I came in with 0 experience and he was both patient and incredibly knowledgeable.
  8. Need Help Versaworks 6.8.0 - Hang on Multi-page PDF RIP

    There's a different odd little bug that I find too occasionally, that if I'm loading multiple files and I right-click for settings on one of them before it's "loaded" into the queue (finished thinking about it) it can cause hangups too.
  9. What's your recipe for Application Fluid?

    Probably nothing listed in these recipes will eat the vinyl glue, but I can absolutely confirm that frustrating clients that ignore our warnings and use fancy car/chrome detailing chemicals will absolutely ruin vinyl glue. Had a dealership continually wash one of our wraps and the glue and vinyl...
  10. Discussion Turn down work

    Yeeeeeah we do a few of those wrap jobs! We don't often say "No" outright, but we are clear on what we can and can't do. Sometimes a client comes in and insists on something we know is a bad choice, and we've got to be firm. For example, a client insists on us wrapping over a rusty/rough...
  11. Question Just want to understand EPS files

    Hope that it at least doesn't happen again! I find .PDFs from clients can occasionally open looking weird/bent out of shape/exploded. If it's too weird, or I can't get my hands on a font file, I'll just open it in Photoshop and re-save. Doesn't help for cut lines though :(
  12. Need Help Versaworks 6.8.0 - Hang on Multi-page PDF RIP

    I have had Versa hang at 100% before, usually on large files or files with a lot of different special items (cut lines, variable data). Sometimes it gets to 100% and hangs there for a half hour but finally clears, but I have had to go shrink some files before. 10 pages - can you send them...
  13. Need Help 80600 and wrap vinyl

    We've had our avery 2611 do that printing at 100%C 100%M 100%Y 100%K, curled right up. Profile was messed up (Specifically, we had a work placement from a local school, he said "we always print 100% everything for black!", but the vinyl limit was 250% and the profile didn't prevent it from...
  14. Suggestions 2020 Dodge Ram

    Yeah I really enjoyed the embossed style logos until I had to design wrap/decals. They're the worst :(
  15. Need Help 80600 and wrap vinyl

    Weekend is long enough to outgas usually, but uh, is that laminated? I don't have experience with 1104, but we have never had that issue with 1105. Looks like so much ink :O
  16. logo / Artwork you make for customer, thoughts - (Yes another one)

    I agree with this almost 100% - we charge for logo designs and graphic design separately from sign making - sometimes they go hand in hand. And sometimes we offer "yeah we can re-make that logo for you while we prep your large sign" - but after a deposit. We don't want to throw hours away for a...
  17. Need Help Issue with printing

    Do you have any test prints/ etc to look at?
  18. Etch Vinyl

    I've only ever used dry-apply etch (we use Metascape). Haven't used that one, but I like the dry apply a lot, it's egress. Sometimes if it's a large window we mask it if we're worried.
  19. Workflow software, what works for you?

    We just throw it all on the cloud and it's out of the way. That said, we do a lot of property management and fleets, so we do a significant amount of reprints. I clear it out of the RIP software immediately after print though - no time for that in my space.
  20. Need Help How many profiles do you really need?

    I think I need to learn to trust the computer more instead of tweaking everything all the time :oops: