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Search results

  1. Cut Lines not showing in Versaworks EPS files but will with PDF files

    Why not print the .pdfs if they work? I'm thinking it's a setting that must have been changed in CorelDRAW for .eps files (it's not creating outlines out of the spot colour strokes or something, is it? Like, did a box get checked that wasn't supposed to wheile saving?)
  2. Black ink sticking to vinyl on take up reel

    Yeah totally agree here - we tend to let almost all our cut graphics outgas at least 12, preferably 24 hours, sometimes over a weekend with some media (looking at you, Avery 2611) or we risk that dreaded edge-curl. Especially with a black. It's too bad this model doesn't have a platen on the...
  3. Question Looking for the name of this font...

    To be clear, I do not ever treat any business as "lesser than". What I mean is that we get clients who come in with a logo that their cousin made for them for 50 bucks, no brand guidelines, no vectors, and I'm not going to change a thing unless they request it. "Does it matter to a client?" I'm...
  4. Question Looking for the name of this font...

    I think it depends on context for each project. If it's a short term sign for a nobody business, it probably doesn't matter. And it shows when people don't care, they come in with fonts like this with weird effects on them. But if it's like a large brand, consistency is pretty important. You can...
  5. Question Looking for the name of this font...

    Yeah I find "What The Font" the best for uploading, though Identifont is also really handy because of the "similar" list it provides.
  6. Sooo... why are rounds larger than flats?

    Tell them to go kern themselves
  7. PTO/time off on election day?

    Come to Canada! Our healthcare is free* *unless it's dental, mental health, most medications...
  8. Question Looking for the name of this font...

    AH I found it manually by digging through DaFont. It's Almanar, in case anyone ever wants it (nobody will, it's ugly)
  9. Question Looking for the name of this font...

    I put it through What The Font (And font squirrel's Matcherator) and it can't find it because of whatever stupid effect is on it.
  10. Question Looking for the name of this font...

    Someone has put a offset path around it (I guess?) and can't find it through Identifont. It looks so so familiar, like some pre-load Windows XP font, but I am just not finding it
  11. PTO/time off on election day?

    I don't know much about their system, but I'm pretty sure there are different rules/process in each state (unlike ours, which is the same process everywhere). Which honestly makes my mind boggle - it must be very challenging to get a consistent count overall
  12. PTO/time off on election day?

    Up here in Canada I'm tempted to take a day off just to pop some popcorn and watch..
  13. How close do you follow specs when bidding a sign package?

    Yeah we hit this error quite often, actually - mostly with larger companies. Must be this font, this height, on this size sign... and then we have to go back and show them that they'll have to change at least one of those things. Or try condensed font
  14. Bull Crap of the day

    Wait, when you say "never figured it out", do you mean they just had to suck it up with text on it? 'Cause I like this method and I'm going to use it the next time someone brings crap graphics.
  15. Question Anyone know anything about "Inozetek" vinyl?

    Hey crew, we've been asked a few times about ordering in Inozotek vinyl for a vehicle wrap, but we can't find too much info about it online aside from a few reviews about the gloss finish and colours. We're in Canada so it's foolish expensive to get, and we don't do a lot of full wraps like...
  16. DIY Di-Noc?

    I think it was a client request. We've never used it before or since, I think they had googled "floor vinyl" and pointed their finger at the first one. It's cal, but we found it surprisingly conformable to a tile floor.
  17. DIY Di-Noc?

    We used an 3M IJ160 with a thick textured ("non-slip" I think) laminate for a large wall/floor graphic that was like, wood and organic textures, and it was a decent product: https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/company-us/all-3m-products/~/3M-Controltac-Graphic-Film-IJ160/?N=5002385+3293953765&rt=rud...
  18. Bull Crap of the day

    Sometimes our RIP misses things, but it's usually transparencies or the like. It's at 100% opacity when saving, right? (not that it should matter with a .bmp...)
  19. Cold laminating is causing a sea of dimples

    I hate foamboard so much. We generally try and encourage people to go PVC/sintra. Uh sorry, are you applying vinyl to substrate with the laminator, or laminating that's causing the issue? I think I misunderstand
  20. Rush Fees: do you charge them?

    We tend to play it by ear, honestly. We've certainly shot ourselves in the foot by doing a really fast turnaround for a client on a slow day, only for them to come back expecting similar timelines when we're busier. Oops. We don't have a set percentage, but I agree - these rush jobs seem to be...