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Search results

  1. Printing on color vinyl.

    Not going to lie, I've never tried printing on any vinyls that come pre-coloured! I just assumed it would like, bead and fall off or something. Is this part of regular practice? Not something I've been trained on! :D Don't forget to take the protective film off :D
  2. What kind of glue/adhesive do I need

    Boss brought back a roll of ... 3M? Red roll of grey tape, man that stuff is permanent. We spread a little backer paper, throw down a couple lines of this tape on top of it, and cut it into sizes we need. It comes easy off the backer once we've cut it. We use a lot of Lord's adhesive for bigger...
  3. Need Help Does anyone know what would cause this?

    I'd like to know this too - we ordered 13oz duratex from Grimco the other day, and it looked suspiciously like it was reverse wound, even though the data sheet said nothing about which way it was wound. We called Grimco and they had no idea. They said "print on the least textured side". Yeah...
  4. Question vinyl won't stick

    These look great! And may I say, smart choice to colour-match the top of Canada instead of weed it - I say this from experience, as we did a world map on a car once o_O What vinyl did you use for this install?
  5. Question Alternatives to Avery 2611 (Wall Vinyl)

    Thanks folks, this is super helpful. We tend to shy from IJ180 because we've never been able to get our Roland to really nail it, no matter what profiles we've tried (minor banding in oranges etc) and since we've just had better luck with other materials. But sounds like 40c might be worth a shot!
  6. Question Alternatives to Avery 2611 (Wall Vinyl)

    Mmmm, IJ180? So we're talking cast vinyl on a flat wall? I figured I could get away with Avery's calendared. We've used Seal's microdot vinyl before but we find it's both curly and paint-destroying, depending on use. So we keep it to windows and smooth surfaces - very repositionable.
  7. Need Help I suck at Photoshop...please help me

    Yeah, I totally agree. I don't mind doing some quick mock-ups, but anything more involves commitment from a client - a deposit for the sign, design, etc. And most clients totally understand that. If you're doing free designs, you're putting yourself at risk from step 1. I've seen some of my...
  8. Need Help I suck at Photoshop...please help me

    You know, there's been a few times where a client comes in and asks for a specific type of vinyl followed by a design that's clearly clipped from another sign shop's proof, and they say "can you make this?"... My answer is NOT "I can, but I won't, you should go back to our competitor where...
  9. GF 231 and Briteline OL331 Laminate Shrinking?

    Oracal Oraguard 210 (matte) is what we have on the roller now and it's luxurious stuff, but expensive in comparison. We'd LIKE to carry Avery matte lam 'cause that kind of fits our clients usual budgets, but we're having a difficult time getting it - never seems to be in stock.
  10. Question Alternatives to Avery 2611 (Wall Vinyl)

    Recently, we've been getting a lot of re-dos for Avery 2611 wall vinyl. We've used the correct profile, tested the walls, let offgass for 72 hours (or often more) and done our cutting and installation and moved on, only to have a client return in 3 months because it's starting to curl or fail. I...
  11. GF 231 and Briteline OL331 Laminate Shrinking?

    We tend to use Briteline products only for our lower budget/temp stuff. The Briteline Shield OLUV hasn't shrank on us too bad, but we often find lam or vinyl failures when we go to retrieve cradle signs after a few months outside. I haven't tried any of their cast or "higher end" products; we...
  12. Need Help I suck at Photoshop...please help me

    That's an "outer glow" effect on a masked (or background erased) image. In your layers panel, there's an "fx" button on the bottom, that's a space that you can try and play with it. It's a bit cringy!
  13. Software for designing signs and posters

    Yeah I did a ton of life drawing during my BFA, I really miss it. Pretty students would come in and think that pouting their lips and flashing their hair and staying very still was "modeling", but we really wanted models that moved and stretched and were all different sizes. We're trying to...
  14. Banding mutoh VJ 1624X

    What media are you using? We had a problem profile with our 3M IJ180 that caused banding, though not nearly that visible... I can't imagine a profile making that much of a band? Cap top replacement helped our last banding problem as well.
  15. Need Help How many profiles do you really need?

    Hmm, we use the canned one for our low qual stuff, like temporary for sale signs etc., and then have the recommended profile downloaded for all our vehicle films, banners, higher quality vinyl, wall vinyl, etc. I'd love to have the time/know-how to profile some of my own, but I'm not the boss...
  16. Software for designing signs and posters

    That's something else I can appreciate about the subscription trade-off - always the newest version of a program. SUPER excited to hear about those changes, I was waiting for the larger artboards to be properly released.
  17. Cutter registration marks on clear material

    Did anything you do work? I am curious! We've manually registered the Roland a few times, it wasn't off by much. I don't know what a Summa's crop marks look like, but we've done both the "sharpie technique" and the "stick a old crop mark ontop" technique and both have relative success if...
  18. Need Help Need help selecting laminator used only for applying transfer tape

    We've applied with a Royal Sovereign... however I wouldn't trust it with that volume, especially all weeded out. I can't imagine that much going through it without a problem wrinkling or bunching the backer paper around the corners...Our RS already gives us occasional suspicious problems, and a...
  19. Software for designing signs and posters

    Just to hop in here... Unless you're going to consistently need design work done on the daily/weekly (in which case, absolutely get a designer/program suite/machine to do so), I'd just farm this work out to people with experience and stuff to do it already. I'd strike up a relationship with a...
  20. Question Is there a way around importing files into VersaWorks Dual one at a time?

    VW6 looks great and I like it a lot, I find it very similar to Dual. Having multiple queues with different settings is pretty handy. When we're busy, I have a queue for jobs that need to go back in to cut after laminating, and a queue for smaller jobs, and maybe even a vehicle wrap queue. It's...