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Search results

  1. Think about getting into the full color sign business

    Here is where I don' t think yall are being fair. The origional poster never indicated that he was not in the sign business. He could already be doing just cut vinyl graphics or maybe even hand painted signage. He could have years of experiance as an installer. We don't know. We did cut...
  2. Think about getting into the full color sign business

    Are you already in the sign business? What equipment and experiance do you already have? Tell us more about yourself so that we can help you.
  3. How to price products

    Try to break down your competitors pricing into a forumlua. $X for artwork (base on an hourly rate) $Y for materials (maybe take actual cost and double or triple it) $Z for installation (base on an hourly rate) Then X+Y+Z = Price You just have to take the time to figure out approx...
  4. Cold Calling???

    Dennis, Why not try what I just did. I looked up email addresses for some decision makers of 7 very very large local companies. I emailed them. I immediately got two responses, set up a meeting with both of them, and put on my "Sunday go to meeting" garb and went to see them. I had an...
  5. Hi from chilly England

    Welcome from Upstate South Carolina. My son just called, told me to look outside towards our house. I did, noticed clouds in that direction but really couldn't tell to much because our shop is 10 miles away. I called him back and asked him what was wrong, he said that it is pitch black (and...
  6. New To Business

    I won't knock you on your spelling because I cant spell myself. And I do agree that your pricing is way to low. But overall, I think what you have done is awsome! It is exactly what we should all have. Fix the spelling, bump up your pricing, and be prepared to do a lot of business!
  7. How did you get into the signs business?

    I had just bought a screen print shop to merge into our offset shop. People just started coming in wanting vinyl graphics. They guy I bought the screen shop from was supposed to do the vinyl for us, but he seemed to never get around to doing it. Then the sign guy that we had done business...
  8. Hello Sign World!!!

    Welcome. We also have a only son (who took karate for many years, got his blackbelt when he was 12 or so).
  9. Anyone Using MS Publisher 2007?

    You just burst my bubble. But I am young, I'll get over it.
  10. Anyone Using MS Publisher 2007?

    pdf995 is a pdf program that acts just like a printer to print to pdf format. Takes less than 5 minutes to download and install. You can get it for free at www.pdf995.com. Now I have instantly given every one the capability to creat pdf's from any source or program. I am your hero.
  11. How land the big sale and keep the customer coming back

    I kinda have a similar feeling: I don't need more work, I need more profit. We could possibly double our work load in a year if we negotiated with customers and matched or beat competition prices. But we wouldn't nessasarally make any more profit.
  12. step and repeats in photoshop

    No, as in laying out a 2" x 3.5" business card so that it can be printed 12 up on a 8.5" x 11" sheet of cardstock. We always use Corel Draw to step in repeat, and it is something we do every day as we are also an offset printer. You could just import your image to Corel Draw or Illi
  13. It's a long shot, but...

    Now for the toughie... anyone know where I can find vector art for a Laurens County (SC) police badge?
  14. It's a long shot, but...

    I forgot about that site. I started filling in the new registation info and it told me I was already registered, so I logged in, and went to add money to the account, turns out I already had money in the account. I think I spent $1.60 to get something off it a year or so ago. Now I am...
  15. It's a long shot, but...

    Never mind. I found it exactly where you told me to look. Feel so stupid.
  16. It's a long shot, but...

    Whoa, you guys are good. I am amazed. So where is my SC state seal?
  17. It's a long shot, but...

    Good luck. A couple of times a year we need a good vector file of the SC state seal. We have never had a decent copy, we have tried to redraw it a few times, but always get frustrated because the best versions we can find are so bad we cant even read what the words are so we end up using a...
  18. Totally new to the business.

    Clay, I know that there are lots of people who seem like they are discouraging you. Don't take it like that. They are only trying to express that the car wrap business is not as easy it it would seem. And it's not - we just started doing them a few months ago and although we have done a few...
  19. best/easiest way to buy fonts

    We have been in the graphics industry (offset and screen printing) for nearly 20 years, we have only been making signs for a few years, but we have a collection of something like 20,000 fonts, none of them from any of these sources mentioned. Is there any legitimate reason that we should...
  20. Illustrator Resolution Question

    I know that this does not help, but in Corel all you have to do is select the raster and at the bottom of the screen it gives you the DPI. Amazingly simple and time saving. We have Illi and a zillion other programs, but at almost every task, Corel takes a few less steps to achieve the...