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Search results

  1. iphone 5?

    Oh, shut up Weasel. Get a Mac...
  2. iphone 5?

    Wayne, stay out of this. I'm trying to give David a hard time. JEEEZ!!!!
  3. Who is this?

    Looks like he has a decent product. I don't like the Yousendit feature. Needs to be more intrinsic capability in the file transfer department. I see potential though.
  4. iphone 5?

    Let me check the Aussie manual. Yep!
  5. Gradients too MUCH Banding HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    Save as a hi res jpeg and print again. You'll be surprised.
  6. iphone 5?

    Just trying to give out a little tase of your own bile, that's all. Tasty ain't it?
  7. iphone 5?

    Yeah, well, maybe for poor people with no true ambition in life...
  8. iphone 5?

    Yes, it is a phone isn't it? But it's also a freakin' TV ain't it? and a web browser and a computer and a frickin' camera all of which you LOOK at, righty, right? What do you do with your iPhones there down under? DON'TANSERTHAT!
  9. Apple has reported Steve Jobs has died

    Bee in my bonnet. Feh. You're the one who get his panties all wadded up any time someone says anything nice about a Mac...
  10. iphone 5?

    No, not biased. You are simply miserly and / or woefully uninformed.
  11. iphone 5?

    No. Clarity I would equate with sight. Talking on the dang thing is called reception, which I do have issues with. Thanks AT&T.
  12. Who is this?

    http://www.signshopwebsites.com/ Anybody using his services? Has he introduced himself?
  13. Best employee gripe so far...

    This guy is crazy. I am not kidding. I would be more than a little concerned if I were you. I would not stay late at work unless someone was with me if I were you. Good luck to you, you are going to need it.
  14. Looking for a designer

    Try Elance.
  15. iphone 5?

    So what you saying is that your iPhone 4, with the retina display, the maximum resolution that can be seen by the human eye, lacks clarity? Really? I, for one, do not believe that you own an iPhone much less an iPhone 4.
  16. Apple has reported Steve Jobs has died

    Choosing Summa indicates to me what you choose to buy may well be based on price. Next time go with Roland, the extra money invested is worth what you can extract in a more marketable / sellable product. Next time know that better choices can result in a higher level of success. Try it. Maybe...
  17. Trying to find some macbook templates

    Tell us what the heck a MacBook template is and we might be able to help.:help
  18. Apple has reported Steve Jobs has died

    Hey David, you shared the same misery twice. Whatsupwiththat?
  19. Apple has reported Steve Jobs has died

    I looked to see where you might have derived that impression. I might take this as another comment of sharing misery. When I bought my Mac and Apple laser printer, I found myself awash in more work and business than you can imagine. I came out of nowhere and found myself competing with large...
  20. Apple has reported Steve Jobs has died

    I am a member of a lot of forums and this one takes the cake for mean spiritedness. I think this forum has more than it's share of miserable people who are in a miserable business in a miserable financial state and that misery loves company. It"s not about Steve Jobs or his accomplishments...