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Search results

  1. For all the iPad haters out there

    It's too close to home. Go back to grammar school. Jeez...
  2. For all the iPad haters out there

    The new company will be called "Microbe"!
  3. For all the iPad haters out there

    I bought a Mac Plus way back in 1986 I think it was. I've been a die-hard fan ever since. I own Apple Stock along with multiple iPhones, iPods, iMacs, Mac Pros, and Macbooks and an Airport Extreme. I have an iPad and I even have the new version of the Apple TV hooked up to a 50" HDTV. Sosumi.
  4. Vector Clip Art

    http://www.vectorstock.com/ Goldmine. Most vectors are just $1.
  5. Roland Flatbed coming

    HP sucks. :rolleyes:
  6. Roland 54"

    Okay, then you need a new strip. You can only use each side once. That one has most likely been flipped before.
  7. Roland 54"

    Turn it around so that the back is the front. Do you have a local Roland tech? You can always call Roland to free tech support as well.
  8. Roland 54"

    I've seen this on my Roland. Your sensor strip need to be replaced or flipped. They cost about $200.
  9. Restraunts menu

    Looks good to me!
  10. messagepart


  11. Hummer Wrap.

    Hummer Wrap.

  12. What should I be making? Graphics Dept Head

    I was thinking more like $14/hr., but that would be tops.
  13. Ipad as a business photo portfolio...

    Interestingly, I am currently using iWork's Keynote to make a capabilities presentation for Franken Signs and play it on my iPad when I visit potential clients. Just having the iPad can be a real ice-breaker as well. It really is a very beautiful device.
  14. Wondering how many would be interested...

    I am the quintessential propellerhead. I am not a salesman. That's why I hired one. I'm a pretty good designer and that's what I prefer to spend my time doing. So, I need all the help I can get reeling in new business. Jon, count me in.
  15. printing custom wallpapers, what material?

    Check out Lexet. Great company, great products. Highly recommend 'em. http://www.lexjet.com/Default.aspx
  16. Question on Adobe Illustrator CS (Old Version)

    In the "Illustrator" menu, find "preferences" then "Units" and change inches to points.
  17. Too cheap for a take-up reel

    Tony, It doesn't use a sensor, it has a tension based motor. I set the tension and it takes up the paper / vinyl as it prints. Really, this thing is just as good as anything I have here, including my factory installed sensor take up reels.
  18. Too cheap for a take-up reel

    I bought this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230494682201&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT Works perfectly.
  19. How well does your roland cut after laminated?

    Works great for us. It's important that you have a good 45° blade and optimum blade pressure.
  20. Starting out

    Sorry, I was responding to Bob. Should have included his quotes.