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Search results

  1. Fellers

    Fellers is close to me. They stock 90% of what I need, the other 10% is on my doorstep the next day. At least for me, their service is excellent. Due to the amount of 3M I buy on a weekly basis, they have given me a monstrous credit limit with terms that lean well in my favor. You asked, so I'm...
  2. Business & Marketing Plan...Do you have one?

    That's great but this is better...
  3. business card re-design

    To me, your original card is fine. Try resetting the contact information in Helvetica 55 or 65 at about 9pt. If you can, let's see how the background looks without that photoshop effect.
  4. Retractable stands and media

    As far as hardware is concerned we use the Orient at Orbus.
  5. update for Joe.

    I am thinking about you Joe. I have always been on your side and I always will be...
  6. Magnum Magnetics

    I have been told, REPEATEDLY, not to run this kind of material through my Roand. Let us know how it plays out for you. BTW, send this roll back, it's a bad batch.
  7. Business & Marketing Plan...Do you have one?

    That's the pepper! I appreciate a good wit, James. :goodpost:
  8. Business & Marketing Plan...Do you have one?

    If you have a written plan as to when you plan to vacate your bowels each and every day, then you might have a business plan as well...
  9. Looking for SKILLED HELP in Charlotte, NC

    Absolutely. I have a spot in the back between twin toilets that would be perfect for you.
  10. Looking for SKILLED HELP in Charlotte, NC

    I guys, just wondering if anyone here is interested or KNOWS anyone who might be interested in a full time job at Franken Signs. I am looking for someone who can run my Rolands, weed, premask, apply vinyl and perforated vinyl and MOST IMPORTANTLY can handle the 3M wrap material.
  11. Last one for a Friday...............

    Maybe THIS? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6j2tk1xTr8
  12. Versacamm 300V

    You must manually key in the IP address for the printer.
  13. IPad. Is it worth it.

    IPad. Is it worth it? No. It's not. Do not succumb to the lies and deceit of the Apple marketing koolaid. Yes you should wait and buy the Zoom. It will be so much better. When the Zoom arrives the world will see how a tablet PC should have been built in the first place. Motorola's AppStore...
  14. *sigh* It happened again...

    I have two sales people. They know how to close a sale. Sometimes when I'm in my office I'll hear Bill out front talking to a client and every few moments he'll do a soft close, then a few moments later he'll go a little more for a hard close. There is nothing wrong with asking for the sale. We...
  15. You can kiss your T-mobile plan goodbye...

    I have 3 iPhones on AT&T with unlimited plans and it doesn't cost me that much.
  16. for all you science geeks out there..

    I guess it's cool if you believe all that SCIENCE nonsense...
  17. Sign Shows

    I have been to most of the Charlotte NBM shows in the last several years. I enjoy them. I like seeing my vendors face-to-face, I like seeing new technologies first-hand, and when I have the time, a class or two.
  18. Suddenly no print, sp-300. Help!

    800-542-2307 Roland tech support is free. Really.