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Business & Marketing Plan...Do you have one?

I have a:

  • Written Business Plan & Written Marketing Plan

    Votes: 18 16.5%
  • Written Business Plan Only

    Votes: 14 12.8%
  • Written Marketing Plan Only

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Business Plan scribbled on multiple scraps of note paper

    Votes: 20 18.3%
  • Marketing Plan scribbled on multiple scraps of note paper

    Votes: 13 11.9%
  • A Business What?

    Votes: 48 44.0%
  • A Marketing What?

    Votes: 32 29.4%

  • Total voters

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
How many of you are operating with some sort of business plan, and a marketing plan?

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Even though I know setting up both these plans are great in goal setting etc. being a one man show an wants to stay this way, bus. & marketing plans are limited on the amount of cash I raise.


New Member
If you have a written plan as to when you plan to vacate your bowels each and every day, then you might have a business plan as well...


New Member
That's great but this is better...


  • PlanBM.jpg
    42.3 KB · Views: 189

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
Our county is one of three in the area that has been hit hard by the economy, and there's been a big push lately for entrepreneurship.

They are offering this course: http://fasttrac.org/entrepreneurs/programs/FastTrac-GrowthVenture.aspx for established businesses, and I jumped at the chance.

A substantial sum of grant money was received by the "powers to be", and they're offering scholarships of $720 to each participant...we're only required to pick up the last $100. Not a bad bargain for six weeks of intense training. I'm looking forward to getting a lot of the loose ends wrapped up.

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Art! Hot and fresh.
Our county is one of three in the area that have been hit hard by the economy and there's been a big push lately for entrepreneurship.

They are offering this course: http://fasttrac.org/entrepreneurs/programs/FastTrac-GrowthVenture.aspx for established businesses, and I jumped at the chance.

A substantial sum of grant money was received by the "powers to be", and they're offering scholarships of $720 to each participant...we're only required to pick up the last $100. Not a bad bargain for six weeks of intense training. I'm looking forward to getting a lot of the loose ends wrapped up.


Not bad at all. I would jump at that as well.

as for a business plan ... I have one as well as a marketing plan ... though marketing really comes down to ingenuity and not relying on more than word of mouth for consistent results. I know too many startups AND established businesses that rely on google and bing placement for their "marketing" same as yellowpage ads and end up failing ... while taking all that money and dropping it into merch for word of mouth advertising seems to make a world of difference when based in the real world. Marketing plans are only good for really establishing timelines for when you do what sort of marketing and the results you expect. I got more business in one year dropping those round beer bottle openers that had my business card attached to the little chain on them through the mail slot of businesses that were starting up (or in some cases those strip malls where they were starting the process of making them into a new storefront) than any other form of advertising in the 3 years prior ... and only cost about 1/10th the money. Front of the business card was normal information, back had a "coupon" for 10% off first job.

When I go fully out on my own again, between that and the t-shirts and pens ... I'll know exactly where my marketing costs go and know what sort of results to expect and largely a marketing plan really wouldn't do much.


New Member
Does anyone have book recommendations for this subject?
It's still another year before I take the plunge, but I'd like to get my ducks in a row as best I can

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
Take a look at this link: http://fasttrac.org/entrepreneurs/programs/FastTrac-NewVenture.aspx

I've been taking the course that comes after the one listed above and it's been a wonderful help to my business. It has been a tremendous amount of work and planning, but the clarity and insight gained will be worth it. It's been fun watching my business and marketing plan come together. Again...it's nothing magic...just focused effort.

In our neck of the woods in Michigan, several business consortiums have teamed up and are funding approx. 90% each attendee's tuition to attend these classes. Check around to see if anything like that exists for your area.

Sorry for the redundant information...I guess much of it was already posted above. But the FastTrac New Venture program (for beginners) was not mentioned.

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Business Plan

Every Business needs a Plan.....of AKTION...If you are starting up..Know who are your competition. Learn from thier mistakes and do it better!
To do this you are force to write a Step 1 - to Step 10 plan - Stick to your plan adjust when needed. And learn to say NO if a deal sounds to good to be true....mostly it's not and will cost you money. Owning your own business is hard work , but it's your baby!

Get started!



Active Member
I dont have a plan I have methods. I rely on methods to acquire who is coming and who is breaking ground. I do not rely on anyone or any schooling to figure out how I find out things. If you know where to look and look aften you will find businesses to jump on beforehand.

5 years ago I didnt have to to look for work it just came. Now I have to resort to how it was 15 years ago and go out and hunt new clients. I will walk straight up into a work trailer on a jobsite and ask who i need to speak to. I will make cold calls and I will inquire to businesses if they needs quotes or layouts. If I can do them (at least) a layout thats half the battle won. I dont always win the bids but you gotta keep trying

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
Looks like it's been a while since I had posted this....can't believe it's been nearly a year ago.

Making a long story short...I took the aforementioned class and now have a business and marketing plan. In reality, it will never be done since there's always something to change and work toward. Our instructor was mediocre, but networking with my classmates was awesome. The online resources through the Kauffman foundation are very helpful, top notch quality and easy to understand. Even though the class lasted six weeks, we have unlimited access to the resources and materials (business templates, worksheets, budget plans, etc...) .

I'm one who can easily get distracted with too many cool new ideas...it's just my nature. Much like a set of railroad tracks, a business plan helps keep the "train" going in the right direction.



Active Member
Networking sends chills down my spine, if it works for others great. I think its another big old crock of a suit orgy and business card swap party where no one wakes up the next morning and remembers who they spoke to.

I try not to waste my time in large heards of other humans that think these networks are working. All the backslapping, fake laughing...its all BS to me. I dont care for pandering to others for work. I do realize there are groups and they do work off each other and I'm glad that works for them. I have attended these groups in the past when I was "trying to find myself" it was nothing short of dissappointment and time wasted.

Ive since been invited to more and always decline. After I decline I am told I will never move forward in life with that attitude. These are same people that flock from crowd to crowd and cant find a good set of folks to be with.