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Search results

  1. Toby....my dog needs to be put down....:(

    Where To Bury A Dog There are various places within which a dog may be buried. We are thinking now of a setter, whose coat was flame in the sunshine, and who, so far as we are aware, never entertained a mean or an unworthy thought. This setter is buried beneath a cherry tree, under four feet of...
  2. How to Brighten up Perf Print??

    We used to have this same problem and now, we use perf made by MediaOne and we get a perfect match to our vinyl.
  3. Apple, what a fad....

    You lie!
  4. Apple, what a fad....

    I just put that on my Face Book page.
  5. Apple, what a fad....


    I had a small puppy get into a bag of milk chocolate once as well. The vet told me milk chocolate is no where near as bad a bakers chocolate. My guess is your dog will be fine.
  7. Starting a sign installation company

    Welcome from Charlotte!
  8. Apple, what a fad....

    Wow. Is the truth so painful to you that you actually think I'm taking this personally?
  9. Apple, what a fad....

    The you have it. The Apple detractors want to parrot anything that makes Apple sound like some kind of totalitarian dictator but the gateway Apple has in place is nothing more than application quality control. If anyone here programmed and submitted a decent app, you would be in like Flynn...
  10. Apple, what a fad....

    There are a SLEW of MP3 players for the Mac, and no one at Apple ever said you HAVE to use iTunes or else.
  11. Ho ho home depot xmas

    That's "glimpse". I hope you carve better than you spell. :cool: :Canada 2:
  12. Lefty....or not?

    I am left handed, but I bat, throw, shoot and hit right handed. Weird, huh?
  13. Sign for Signs

    But only because you asked.
  14. Apple, what a fad....

    Read it an weep PC users, read it and weep. Concord Securities analyst's discussions with Apple's suppliers indicate the company's build plans call for the manufacture of upwards of 4.5 million Mac systems during the three-month period ending March. At those rates, Apple is likely to stand out...
  15. Apple, what a fad....

    Just yesterday Steve Jobs said, “It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology is not enough.” That’s what separates Apple from everyone else, and the iPad epitomizes it. It’s better designed, has more developer support, and it’s cheaper. There are aspects of this that Apple’s competitors seemingly can’t...
  16. Apple, what a fad....

    Evan, what the heck are you talking about comparing any version of Windows to the Mac OS? All versions of Windows are at best, crude Mac OS rip-offs. Apples innovates, Microsoft imitates...
  17. Strange things that have happened - Twilight Zone Stuff

    Apt assumption, but no. Never did shrooms.
  18. Apple, what a fad....

    Well, if it was 10 months old it was still under the free warranty. What's your complaint? The same Dell warranty will cost you.
  19. I'm in such a rut here....

    I don't usually do this for anyone, but here ya go...
  20. Apple, what a fad....

    I'm sorry, but those $600 Dell computers wouldn't last 3 months at the hands of those students. I contend that Macs are better-built and would last 3-4 times as long. You do the math.