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Search results

  1. Grandma's Doily Font

    I get some customer's with some weird (ok, god awful) taste in lettering. I searched WhatTheFont, WhatFontIs, and Matcherator with nothing even close. Looks like a 1990's bad font that was probably on one of those 2000± font CDs. Anyone have a clue what this one may be? TIA!
  2. Valuecut 2 plotter jumping/offset cutting

    The Valuecut 2 1800 I am using just had the strip replaced and a new blade put on. The cutter is hooked up via an ethernet connection and was perfectly fine, then started acting up, at first intermittingly with contour cuts, but then just cutting plain calendared vinyl started showing the same...
  3. Orange Ya Gonna Tell Me Da Font?

    I'm stumped on a font. The "R" is the trick apparently. Tries whatfontis.com, whatthefont.com, matcherator.com, etc, etc...MAYBE someone has seen this? And it figures, it's a rush job for me. yippee. Thanks in advance as it is greatly appreciated.
  4. Lookin' for a font

    I did a search (i.e. whatthefont, matcherator, etc.) and could find it. I have to samples of it off of race cars after simplifying it in Photoshop. Anyone seen something looking real close it this? TYIA
  5. Custom Reflective Engine Turn Lettering...again.

    It looks like 3 years ago ATHENNES (Alan) was able to come up with a way to come up with a way to mimic gold leaf engine turn (Reflective Gold Leaf.png). I'm trying to do the same, and I reached out to him, but it appears he is no longer on the forum, and/or perhaps, on this planet. His FB page...
  6. Not looking to badge"r"...

    Was looking to see if anyone has come across where I could find this same police badge. If I wasn't doing it for a department with an established badge / shield in use, I'd use one I have already. Even pointing me in the right direction to purchase this vector art is appreciated. Help!
  7. ONYX Thrive 18.5 Duplicate File different output

    Using ONYX Thrive 18.5 and having a problem with a pdf file. I take an old PDF file that was created over a year ago, open it in AI and delete a part of the artwork. I resave it under a new name without changing any of the presets in the file save. I next open it in OT and see that the color...
  8. Question Printing in Onyx and getting wrong colors

    I've had this happen at various times using ONYX Thrive; I'll print a file that I already made samples for without a contour line and when I apply one, it will completely change the output color. Attached is a sample of what I mean. The color swatches above show the correct color in the two...
  9. I'm numbered

    Can't find this font for anything, yet I know I've seen (and probably used) it over a dozen times in the past 30 years. Any help, thanks.
  10. Question Print / Cut directly on reflective

    Have a question that I'm not sure on the answer...how would one print light colors directly on dark color reflective vinyl? Attached are two photos of examples of this. I came across this and became perplexed about what kind of printer would be able to do this. I print on engine turn and gold...
  11. Nailing a Script

    Having a hell of a time trying to nail this script font down. Thought it was Hamet or one of the many LHF fonts out there but I'm stuck...anyone recognize it? Thanks in advance.
  12. SignLab 10 saving and loading issue

    I am having a problem with SignLab saving and being able to reload the file or BAK file. I use it on two computers (my 9-5 and at home since it's my personal software) and haven't had a problem with the work computer. At home, I started getting a plugin error with Adobe Illustrator but earlier...
  13. FC7000MK2 stuck in Cross Cutter Mode

    Hey Gang... Having a GIGANTIC problem with my FC7000MK2-130. Came into the shop as I usually do on a Saturday and found that the Cross-Cutter was engaged. I don't know if anyone else played with the unit while I was away but now I can't get the blade to disengage so that the cutter can resume...