Hey guys, Just wanted to price check my pricing on 1 double sided 4x4' 10mm coro. 1 color cut vinyl lettering, 4 lines in arial bold font
A partner of mine is selling this for $160 and i come up with $276
I know i am making money at $276 and it covers my time, materials, shop rate etc but maybe i need to dis-value coro signs altogether since they have a low perceived value but hold up extremely well. I price all signs as i would any others in Signvox.
Thanks all!
A partner of mine is selling this for $160 and i come up with $276
I know i am making money at $276 and it covers my time, materials, shop rate etc but maybe i need to dis-value coro signs altogether since they have a low perceived value but hold up extremely well. I price all signs as i would any others in Signvox.
Thanks all!