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Need Help 80600 and wrap vinyl

jon vital

New Member
I've been having trouble with printing to cast wrap vinyl on our 80600

Had been using SLX but the fitters were complaining about it 'not sticking'

I've tried Arlon 6100 XLP and Avery 1104 but they end up being very aggressive to fit, even when left several days to outgas.

Been using a 360x720 8 pass profile.


Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.
When I used that printer, we were using 3M ij180cv3-10/8518. 720x720. We had written a custom profile with ink limits dial back to around 265 if I remember correctly. We had Onyx Production House RIP and an i1 table spectrophotometer to write the profile with. We didn't have any issues with installation. We did back wind the print and set it on an elevated rack and let it outgas overnight.


Graphic Design | Production
We generally use Avery MPI 1105 SC RS. I really liked the Arlon SLX to print, but our installers were frustrated with it being not tacky enough and any weeding of smaller shapes was painful as it wouldn't stay on the liner. Really liked the 3mIJ180 to install, but we had trouble with banding with our Roland.

There are two types of the Avery cast that we'd noticed a difference in ability to reposition: MPI 1105 SC EZ and MPI 1105 SC EZ RS. The "RS" is supposed to act like the 3m ControlTac and be a little more installer-friendly. We noticed the difference when we accidentally got a roll of the regular SC EZ stuff

jon vital

New Member
Looks like they have addressed this now with the new SLX+

I am going to try some profiles for cast wrap print instead of the one I was using which was a generic vinyl one. Will a cast profile lay down less ink? I'm thinking this may have caused the problem....

jon vital

New Member
I printed some Avery 1104 cast wrap material on Friday, left it over the weekend to dry.

Cuting strips out of it results in this....Surelythe ink is not drying if it curls up on itself like this?


  • ink.jpg
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  • ink.jpg
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Graphic Design | Production
I printed some Avery 1104 cast wrap material on Friday, left it over the weekend to dry.

Cuting strips out of it results in this....Surelythe ink is not drying if it curls up on itself like this?

Weekend is long enough to outgas usually, but uh, is that laminated? I don't have experience with 1104, but we have never had that issue with 1105. Looks like so much ink :O

jon vital

New Member
That's unlaminated, I doubt it would do that laminated but surely it means the solvent is still in the vinyl which is putting some tension on the material....

This was done using an IJ180 profile and an Orajet 3951 profile


Graphic Design | Production
We've had our avery 2611 do that printing at 100%C 100%M 100%Y 100%K, curled right up. Profile was messed up

(Specifically, we had a work placement from a local school, he said "we always print 100% everything for black!", but the vinyl limit was 250% and the profile didn't prevent it from laying it on thick)