I found an old envelope of photos and pardon the poor quality of some of the photos, but I wanted to share these.
I like your style, thanks for sharing.
Very nice work. Not a huge fan of the marble look but the lettering is spot on. The antiques one looks the hardest to me. Even though initially it looks simple painting all the shaded areas to look like beveled letters and it coming out that good is hard work. Very nice.
As with any other fad, I had to get through my faux marble phase.
The hardest part for any hand done effect work is to get the perspective, lighting and shadowing correct to mimic how it would look in nature. All the beveling and shadowing on the Sign Central sign was done with paint, transparent glazes and an artist's eye.
Nice work!Is the 'Dillinger's' reverse gilt leaf on glass?
It is some great work. Was the marble a print?