I guess if Slappy was Diaz, Deaton or Dan, you'd be whistling a different tune, as to ownership of unpaid files or graphics. [/INDENT]
Yes, really, Color.
Yes, really, Color.
They all, have had things from their website, on other people's websites. When they brought it to the attention of the members here [don't know what side of the fence you were on] they were given all kinds of advice and suggestions of how to go about getting the stuff taken down, removed and not with a rather pleasant attitude, I might add.
Regardless of who did what in a nice fashion or not...... it is now known as being almost completely duplicated with a little added effects on it, but for all intents and purposes, it is still essentially the same.
I hope Slappy and Ursta had a good PM session or phone conversation and this gets itself worked out. Nothing worse than some bad blood between friends over a misunderstanding.
Slappy should not be felt to lower her standards by the likes of people here telling her, this stuff happens.... deal with it.
She has maintained a very high level in this industry.... in her short time in the industry..... and to have something you have thought to be one way destroyed, when really it's not, is just looney.
If you're gonna steal, whether on the up & up or on the sly..... don't get caught, huh ?? Does that sound better ??
god that drives me nuts. you realize his name is COLORADO signs right? ugh.
Want some cheese for that ??
That is so pathetic. Did you ever see how long some of these people's handles are ?? You think I'm gonna sit here and write that much more to my already too long a essays ??
If that gripes your butt, get a load of this Pro..... I've been calling you that for quite some time.... along with almost everyone else.... except for the ladies. If you can't get past a nick name, then put your real frickin' name there and maybe I'll consider using it.
What a joke................ :ROFLMAO:
- Enough of that nonsense...........
Want some cheese for that ??
That is so pathetic. Did you ever see how long some of these people's handles are ?? You think I'm gonna sit here and write that much more to my already too long a essays ??
If that gripes your butt, get a load of this Pro..... I've been calling you that for quite some time.... along with almost everyone else.... except for the ladies. If you can't get past a nick name, then put your real frickin' name there and maybe I'll consider using it.
Color, I was more getting at the many here who just tell her to get used to it and how is she in business. To be told it's useless or doing it your way is fine by most standards, but Slappy's standards have been higher than most on this entire forum. She DOES ask her customers these questions because she doesn't want to screw the other neighboring shops in her area. She has a talent, understands it and doesn't want others to suffer the way she just has. We can go round and round on this, but this particular case seems rather open and shut by simply seeing the business card, pictures of the old window and a simple question as to.... is this your own artwork. If the customer lies, then there is nothing anyone can do, but Ursta already said he didn't even do that..... he just thought. Perhaps a lesson could be learned here.What a joke................ :ROFLMAO:
- Enough of that nonsense...........
I for one years ago, got tired of seeing my layouts and designs copied only to be told they didn't know any better. How frickin' stoopid can all these people doing it, really be ?? Well, not as dumb as me for giving it away, but, it doesn't take a very smart person to know you just didn't get his artwork out of the air. That is why we sell the artwork along with each and every job...... when this sort of thing might happen.
Charging is is the lesson I hope Slappy learns and the rest of you..... to put that one simple question in your first addressing a customer with artwork.
wow.. lots of post to read... sorry, been to busy hanging up my new "if you have a business card or design or even a picture of a business card or design, i can make it and shine it up for you too" sign in my showroom :ROFLMAO:
Hey, i've been here since 2005. I've heard all the complaints about other members work here and someone else has did it threads. Sorry for trying to be honest about it. Sorry that many of my surrounding sign shops have customers coming in here asking me to do stuff, sorry i sent the customer packing. So bash me for trying to be honest! WTYou would think you would like to have me as a neighboring sign shop that didn't copy your work and steal your customers! lol But i've seen the light, i've had it wrong for years! Sounds like it's okay to trace it for some $$$ as long as it's not a proof and says the other sign shops name on it. Guess I'll start calling some quotes i have left in the back burner and make some quick christmas $$$ Excuse me for not taking every customer that comes in the door with existing lettering!