Very Active Signmaker
Why do people do this shit?
Oh and I took a sign down the other day... The owner put it up himself. It was a fabric, indoor-quality canvas material, mounted on a piece of untreated plywood (because, you know it needs to be sturdy mounted on the awning) with a sheet of clear acrylic over it and silicone all around the edges of the sign and wall. I asked him if the sheet of acrylic was more expensive than the sign itself. He said "you know, it probably was) .... ::sign::
Oh and I took a sign down the other day... The owner put it up himself. It was a fabric, indoor-quality canvas material, mounted on a piece of untreated plywood (because, you know it needs to be sturdy mounted on the awning) with a sheet of clear acrylic over it and silicone all around the edges of the sign and wall. I asked him if the sheet of acrylic was more expensive than the sign itself. He said "you know, it probably was) .... ::sign::