Uh oh. Hope they aren't that stupid? I'll rig up something if need be. What head is in that printer?
I've bought quite a bit from China. As long as you do your research and buy from the source you can find good products. They are really easy to deal with if you know what you want but they sell products, not support. They expect that you can fix it yourself and that's why you get spare brushes with your harbor freight grinder.
White Haus, you might contact one of these companies and buy the slitter setup that they have and adapt it to your machine. They might even make you one that you could bolt on.
It's hard to tell in the video because it's so blurry... Only uploaded in 240p!
Our rs will fit a regular roll of vinyl, just barely but it fits. We reached out and they were shocked it didn't hold a full roll of traffic reflective and Overlam.... Had to send them dimensions of the rolls and everything and they confirmed it wouldn't work, I guess they overlooked it.
And yeah - I buy stuff from China a lot, the truck is not to buy the cheapest and to do your research.
Most of the Chinese flatbeds use old heads... It seems they all use dx8, or dx11 heads - dx8 heads print 10-20% faster.... But cost 5x as much as a dx11 head does - being a cheapo chinese printed I opted for the dx11 heads as they're way easier to get and replace.... And cheaper. Like $200 a head - so if / when it clogs or gets destroyed, it won't break the bank.
Key thing is to buy from a vendor who's been on Alibaba for a long time - usually their stuff isn't garbage and they support it a bit - I mean, compared to a true flatbed like vanguard where the head costs more than a whole Chinese flatbed, itll be "garbage" when you compare it to that... But if you go into it knowing you're buying a "consumer flatbed" and not a production machine, you won't be disappointed.
For me it's a toy to play with, learn the ins and outs of braille / tactile printing on a 3.5k usd machine and seeing if it works before we buy a 45k Roland just for braille, since we already have a 5x10 flatbed.
Lots of research, and low expectations.... And you can get some fun toys to play with. My omtech laser is chinese... Supported locally, but a 24"x40" 100 watt laser for $5000 vs a 30k trotec is a no brainer for me... Does everything the trotec does. Liked it so much I bought a fiber laser directly from China, got a 60 watt mopa for 4k and its been running perfect. For every good, quality vendors there is about 100 that are garbage and scams though.
I've heard good things about lefu, so I'll research them for our next laminator in a few months! The good thing is they're usually willing to custom make something for you for cheap.
I complained about the 60x90 flatbed being just under 24"x36", and they said they get that a lot and are currently custom making a 25" x 37" for someone and would be willing to make one for me as well if I wanted, it'd just take a month.