I posted on another thread that Adobe was suffering a large enough slump in sales over the CC deal that they are re-evaluating their position.
so here is an educated guess concerning the CC model.
,, take a user living in a disaster area who must reduce costs no matter what in order to recover.
It's easy for some to say that the cost of a CC subscription is just a fraction of their total gross. However. A fraction turns into a huge liability when faced with some disaster whether personal or natural that cuts income by over 50% overnight. That is what recently been discovered by more than a few users who suffered major fires, hurricanes, floods, or tornadoes recently.
This biggest growth changes are in web design. That will always be given the changes in coding websites.
And then. Adobe products are very mature. There is very little new code in any of those packages other than add in some obscure feature.
Adobe looked at selling add ons in stead of using the upgrade model. It failed. The upgrade model is failing. This CC is their saving grace??
And then ,, many users are going for single purpose usage softwares instead of bloated packages with 124 features of which only 3 are used.
IE: Design houses are using Gimp like never before to take advantage of that software's ability to handle 95% of the work flow. Then revert to photoshop for the other 5%. That means they will use just one or two photoshop seats and use 14 gimp seats.
gimp inkscape and open office and a few others are becoming very good packages.
so in the end. The reactions against the CC will bring adobe back to the upgrade model or a major change in their CC model such as a price adjustment..