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Al Checca


New Member
Al buddy you know I will have your back, and you can still have my A- kidney if you want it.
I haven't abused it too badly.
Having known you since that first meet in 2000, I can say that you are one of the coolest people I know, and I hope you get the needed fundage you deserve to live a comfortable healthy life with your family.
Would that I could Photoshop one onto you the way I did that sweater the one time.
Hang in there.
just bumping this up to the top...if we all rally in support of Al i know we can make a difference.

for those who don't know of Al i will tell you that if you were a complete stranger in need of help Al would help you. he has been extremely generous with his time and knowledge sharing with anyone who has needed it.

i don't know how else to put it. if anyone has ever deserved a break this is the guy.


New Member
for those who don't know of Al i will tell you that if you were a complete stranger in need of help Al would help you. he has been extremely generous with his time and knowledge sharing with anyone who has needed it.

i don't know how else to put it. if anyone has ever deserved a break this is the guy.

I'm with Dan 100% - Al is a fantastic person, and he deserves the help.

Al - Jess and I did what we can for now, as I get paid on a few more jobs, we'll revisit your page. I'm posting a link on facebook now.

You are in our thought Al, we know you have the strength to pull through buddy!:thumb:

Gene & Jess


New Member
just bumping this up to the top...if we all rally in support of Al i know we can make a difference.

for those who don't know of Al i will tell you that if you were a complete stranger in need of help Al would help you. he has been extremely generous with his time and knowledge sharing with anyone who has needed it.

i don't know how else to put it. if anyone has ever deserved a break this is the guy.

I agree 100%.
Al is a great guy.
Once I get paid on a few jobs I have out there - I'm in.

Al Checca

New Member
I'm freaking out, Tv news will be here at the house in 20 minutes to do an interview with me regarding this issue.....


New Member
Vince Simms? Amy Marcinkowicz? Or will you luck out and get Allison Morris?
Make sure you don't say "uhhh" a lot.
Good luck Al!
We are all pulling for you.

Al Checca

New Member
Vince Simms? Amy Marcinkowicz? Or will you luck out and get Allison Morris?
Make sure you don't say "uhhh" a lot.
Good luck Al!
We are all pulling for you.

Jim Person, Channel 4 investigative reporting. I share links as it may be a couple days before airing.
I'll call ya later Jill, I needed to talk to ya anyhow.


New Member
Ladies and Gents, I dont really get the US health system. Perhaps someone can explain for us lucky people. Why do we need to donate?

I will donate, I just dont understand why.


New Member
Al babe...just got ya on the donation!
(wish it could have been more, but john laid off)

What an unbelievable story....just crazy

call me when/if you get some down time


New Member
Why do we need to donate?

Al has health insurance but not dental insurance.
He has been denied a kidney transplant because he needs to have his teefs fixed to the tune of $10K.
His teefs and jawbone are damaged from the side effects of years of taking anti-rejection meds required due to his previous transplants.

...I think he may also need a new green wig, it's getting kind of threadbare.


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