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Alignment on media issue

I swapped out my carriage today due to some bad bearings. Printers back together and printing well aside from where it is starting my prints on the media. I have a picture attached to better show my issue. My printer is starting the prints approx 1/4" before the medias edge. Anyone have any idea how to fix this alignment issue?


  • 20190813_153743.jpg
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DIY Printer Fixing Guide
Since the carriage was changed I am assuming the cutter holder is probably out of wack. I know there isn't a cutter on that machine it's just what they call the piece that holds the solenoid that unlocks the carriage and the media sensor. It's a separate piece that attached to the left side when you reassembled it. There is an official method to set the height of that piece and it requires a special jig unfortunately. That being said, I have replaced them without the jig with success. There is a black piece of plastic on the left side of the cutter holder. The distance from the bottom of that and the platen should be 5.2mm +/- .2mm. I would just use a number 5 Allen key to get it set. Tighten the screws and see if that helps at all.