You can do it in the US using these guidelines...
Regulations for Reproducing U.S. Currency Images
Whether you're talking about doing an informational handout for your commercial customers, doing in-house training, or using images of money in your advertising, you'll want to know what federal law says regarding color illustrations of U.S. currency. The pertinent federal regulation appears below:
Regulations for Reproducing U.S. Currency
Authority: 18 U.S.C. 504; Treasury Directive Number 15-56, 58 FR 48539 (September 16, 1993)
411.1 Color illustrations authorized.
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 25 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code, authority is hereby given for the printing, publishing or importation, or the making or importation of the necessary plates or items for such printing or publishing, of color illustrations of U.S. currency provided that:
(1) The illustration be of a size less than three-fourths or more than one and one-half, in linear dimension, of each part of any matter so illustrated;
(2) The illustration be one-sided; and
(3) All negatives, plates, positives, digitized storage medium, graphic files, magnetic medium, optical storage devices, and any other thing used in the making of the illustration that contain an image of the illustration or any part thereof shall be destroyed and/or deleted or erased after their final use in accordance with this section.
(b) [Reserved].
Hmmmm ... I thought personal use was permitted the same as it's allowed to tape a movie or record music for personal use.
fred, you and i see this every day we watch a vid.
and the attachment below is what i was talking about.
dont you love the parchement background! but what i have hilighted is the scary part for all. WITHOUT MONITARY GAIN. they will prosecute. ..
Saying it and doing it are two entirely different things. How many times has this particular situation been successfully prosecuted? How many time has it been prosecuted regardless of outcome?
Zero and zero would be my guess. This warning gives every appearance of being an example of preemptive huffing and puffing.
Therefore, it makes it alright ??Yeah, I'm beginning to see your reasoning power too. Behind the big words, you make you own laws also. Okay. Fair enough.
...In an ideal society there would be no rules, everyone would just naturally do the right thing.
But who gets to decide what the right thing is?
I do realize in a total anarchy you would just fight it out to the death...
Being a rational anarchist I try to march to my own drummer. If I obey a law it's most likely not because it's the law but because it's what I would have done anyway. I have my own view of the curious notion of 'intellectual property' and it bears only a passing resemblance to the miserably outdated code structure currently extant.
You can run out and enact whatever laws you feel you need to make you feel comfortable. If these laws are in concert with my personal ethics then I'll probably go along with them. If they're not I won't pay a whole hell of a lot of attention to them. Depending.
On a larger note, does it bother you that you live in a society sufficiently complex that you're expected to hire a technician to interpret for you the very rules by which you're supposed to live?
In an ideal society there would be no rules, everyone would just naturally do the right thing.
Being a rational anarchist I try to march to my own drummer.
The rest of us AREN'T living in your world, thank goodness.