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Antique clock faces

Jeff grossman

Living the dream
I had a client ask about printing or hand painting antique grandfather clock face replacements - each would be one of a kind for refurbishing clocks .any suggestions ? This is something I don’t offer but would be happy to refer him to someone who could help . East coast PA location preferred
Originally done on glass but open for suggestions . (Don’t know if flatbed printed would give the texture desired )
Anyone out there able to help ?
Hope to post a photo later , sorry


New Member
post picture of what they are wanting.

Are they looking for original reproduction or similar look?

Ian Stewart-Koster

Older Greyer Brushie
25 years ago, I repainted several for a watchmaker/clockmaker- all hand-painted, and a bit painstaking, from memory, but all passed off ok as no different from the original.
10 years ago I screen-printed three for another client.
(In Australia, of course!)

Andy D

Active Member
Flatbed UV ink would probably be the closest to paint, it sits on top of the substrate and has depth.


Prints stuff
The Arizona’s with the touchstone tech might work. Some of the samples we seen were great. Printed the grain of the inside of a tree and it felt real! So if guess they’d get the texture desired

Ian Stewart-Koster

Older Greyer Brushie
I just used drop black (enamel) which is like the gilders' back-up black paint.
It dries fast, to a satin dull sheen, and does not look new or fresh.

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  • antique clock II.JPG
    antique clock II.JPG
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  • before restoration.JPG
    before restoration.JPG
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Jeff grossman

Living the dream
He went with an old school hand painter - needed the 3D hand paint look . He’s using someone who does truck / fire truck hand work- it ended up needing gold leaf work also . Trying to reproduce 150-200 year old grandfather clock faces - elaborate designs with gold leaf custom #’s and highlights - Exact drilled holes of diff diameters
Still trying to get photo but due to lockdown it might be a bit
Stay safe people