Really? What's hard to believe about a part time farmer clearing $175,000 a year....who owns more equipment than most large shops but live in a town of 8000 in his mid-30s but has been married 4 times (or more) plus is keeping "baby momma's" on the side....who spends his afternoons driving around farm roads drinking.....and catching poachers for the local sheriff....and who possum/coon hunts at night....all while running his shop at the cheapest prices possible....and competing with shops quoting $1600 for 3'x6' MDO signs?
What's hard to believe about that? Nobody believed you were real either there Normie.
aReally? What's hard to believe about a part time farmer clearing $175,000 a year....who owns more equipment than most large shops but live in a town of 8000 in his mid-30s but has been married 4 times (or more) plus is keeping "baby momma's" on the side....who spends his afternoons driving around farm roads drinking.....and catching poachers for the local sheriff....and who possum/coon hunts at night....all while running his shop at the cheapest prices possible....and competing with shops quoting $1600 for 3'x6' MDO signs?
What's hard to believe about that? Nobody believed you were real either there Normie.