I've been using 8.0 here at work for some time and haven't really had many issues other than obtaining updated software and drivers when it was first updated, was still fairly new at the time. At home is another story, I got me a spanky new laptop that came with 8.1 pre-installed and I do some work from home as well. First problem is connectivity, wireless sucks, keeps dropping connection, it's an 8.1 problem that Microsoft is aware of but has done nothing about. Another issue I have with it is some fonts are problematic or are not recognized, and after one of the Windows "updates" my font tool in all Adobe CS6 programs would lock the machine... Had to go through manually uninstalling them one by one till I found the one that caused the issue, block the update and reinstall the rest. I'm fairly satisfied with 8.0, but the issues I've encountered with 8.1 have me wanting to scrap it. Plus with 10 on the way support is almost non existent especially as far as the connectivity issues are concerned. Win 7 is a workhorse, they had most of the bugs out by the time they released 8 which is pretty stable as long as all your drivers and software are compatible, but 8.1 has flaws that make it not so desirable for business use, especially this business with the connection and font issues....