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Anyone Ever Seen A Cleaner Version Of This?


New Member
Was wondering if anyone has seen a cleaner version of this on the web somewhere. Autotrace makes it look like doggie dodo. Gotta make a 32' paint mask for it. I could redraw it but customer doesn't have the extra $$$ for art time.


  • Panthers.jpg
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New Member
looks clean to me. not a line showing anywhere.

Okay now that you've attached the image....This job is as easy as they get. Half hour at best. And even if you don't want to or can't, I bet the Vector Dr. could knock it out for cheap.
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New Member
If the customer says they don't have the money for you to clean it up, then tell them that that's exactly what it will look like. Sorry! I bet they come up with something for you. Where did they get that one? Had cards or shirts printed before? Those people would have it. Don't let them guilt you into doing something for nothing. How long would it take, anyway? An hour, tops? Charge them $65 (or whatever your rate is) and tell them it will be worth it in the long run. Then you can offer to give them the .eps format on a disk for $25 (or whatever you want) then they'll never have to pay anyone again to clean it up. Make it worth it to them.


New Member
Yup! That's exactly what I do! In fact, I just remembered that I have to get a cd over to one of my clients with their artwork I cleaned up for them!

Glad I read this thread! Thanks for the reminder folks!!!



New Member
Not cleaning it up is not an option. Period. They can find the money to fix it if they are paying for a 32' paint mask.

Pat Whatley

New Member
I know it's off topic but why would you paint mask that, anyway? You can project it, trace it, clean up the artwork on the fly, and paint it in less time, without the cost and headache of dealing with an 8' x 30' chunk of paint mask.

Damn, I sound like OP.


New Member
check with the Vector Doctor as he is very cost effective. Just tell your customer he has to pony up a few bucks to get this to look right. it won't be that much. right now it looks like both eyes are on the same side of it's face which is pretty creepy.


New Member
I DID THIS IN COREL TRACE...and iam with pattie....hes lernin))))


  • PANTHER.ai
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New Member
Thanks for the file OP...I ended up just cleaning it up the fastest I could and got the mask cut. I'm with you guys on the projector deal but it's for a painting company that was hired to paint this on a wall. That panther was 8' T x 34' long. There were 2 4' x 20' words and another panther that was 7' x 9' all out of paint mask. $2500....not too bad of a few hours of work.


New Member
Vector Dr. I just add money into my cost, and have him do them. When someone says, I'll send you my logo, I know it's 90% of the time going to have to be converted. I don't waste time doing that when he can do it so cost efficiently, and I can be doing other things to either make money, or even do something FUN!

Pat Whatley

New Member
What the hell kind of parallel universe did I step into? I'm suggesting painting something and OP is setting it up to cut in vinyl?


New Member
I SAID I WAS WITH PATTIE....i woulda used a projector....
but the trace was so easy...EVEN HELL BOY CAN DO IT))))