Arlo Kalon 2.0
New Member
I'm rather reluctant to post this update since I stirred up so much concern here, but my scan came back normal. That should be good news, except from past experience I know they are missing something. 22 years ago I had a nuclear scan of intestines after passing a quantity of blood. It too came back normal. 5 days later I was in the er with massive internal bleeding and was later told I had lost nearly half the blood in my body. It was funny because when they called me today I told them I had been laying on my side for the past 2 hours because of the pain. I see my doc in a week and we'll decide then what to do next. I played in an orchestra for 14 years with a doctor who played drums. We became quite good friends. His practice is totally in a hospital setting. He told me once those big expensive scanning machines are quite unreliable and often give them results that he said amounts to "chasing red herrings". Not very reassuring is it? I wake up every night between 3-4am from pain and lay down every afternoon on my side because of it. I wish I could get a concrete answer like John Deaton did as to what's up. Guess I'll have to be patient awhile longer!