He is bad news!
Unfortunately I had a problem with this guy back in August and September of last year. For those that were Premium subscribers might recall this thread
http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55847 . I posted that in September in the Premiun section before outing this guy to see what others thought first before blowing the whistle on the guy if it wasn't neccesary. I got mixed reviews and at the same time I ended up getting the problem somewhat worked out with him. I wish I'd listened to iSign Now!

It's a long story, but basically he sent me someone elses Mainboard that had been sent to him for repair and was still broken when he sent it to me. The thing is Ernie didn't count on me and the real owner of that mainboard to coming into contact with each other (purely by coincidence) and figuring out what he had done! He denied everything, but we had serial #'s. He knew he was toast! I had paid with PayPal which you might think was a good thing, however PayPal is a joke if you use it outside of eBay. All a person has to do is send you a shipment, doesn't matter what it is, and you're stuck! You could order a Grand Piano and get shipped a pair of socks and they will do nothing!!!!! Now if they never send anything then they will help.
He quit answering my phone calls so I started calling from different phone #'s and guess what? He'd answer then! I must have used 5 or 6 different phones! So you can fake out Caller ID!!!
The only thing that saved me was that I funded the PayPal Transaction with a Credit Card and not my bank account. My Credit Card stopped payment to PayPal and that finally got the ball rolling. Ernie got quite mad when I did that! Finally got the Mainboard and that didn't fix my problem anyway but i ended up selling to the guy who sent his to Ernie for repair and we were all happy. Well not happy but at least back to where we started before coming to know Ernie!
By the way he has a couple websites and it looks like he has locations up and down the east coast, but after some investigation I found that all the phone #'s to all those locations are forwarded to his home # in Florida. It takes all kinds doesn't it!