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Attitudes & Reactions

Pat Whatley

New Member

Being flat out mean is one thing, but if I post up something for a critique, I'm doing it for a critique, not expecting atta-boys from everyone. I want brutal honesty, because real life scenarios is much worse. If your shit ain't flying, that business has the potential to FAIL.

If I just wanted compliments, I'd show it to my grandma.

No kidding. Nothing is worse than knowing something sucks and all you can get are people blowing sunshine up your butt.


New Member
well...I suppose some will take the high road and some will take a direct line to the low road. I just hope that if I ever need advice about anything on this site that I don't get hung out to dry like some poor buggers have. lol I guess I'll just have to see. And perhaps I'll find my crotchity self one day too... lol


New Member
The advice people get here is sometimes cold and brutal, but nearly always accurate and true with the objective of improving or helping.

If something sucks and you don't want to hear that then show it to your Mom... she'll put it on the fridge (right next to your 14th place spelling bee medal) and tell you how great you are.


New Member
I'll admit, I can be a bit ragged from time to time. This economy has been taxing on me. Nonstop, every day... $5 coroplast sign requests, free logo requests... junk like that I never really had. And then seeing startup shops actually do it! ugh... nothing like getting your hopes up on a 10 van fleet wrap job, and watching another shop do it for $800 a van instead of your $2200 a van....

With the new retail store, it's this stuff.... everyyyyyyyy day. sigh.

I'll admit it, I can be grumpy sometimes. :)

You, the flamemaster? Say it ain't so!


Active Member
constructive criticism can be offensive, yes...
but hell, if you're lookin' for free advice, beggars can't be choosers.

I've noticed what you're talkin' about as well, but shouldn't be anything worth worrying about. Plus, freedom of speech without consequences is why most people are drawn to venting on online forums. Its the internet, it happens.


New Member
It is kind of like family here, you can't really pick who is here, but you can get advice from even the most rude of us, so. I have been fighting with someone on a political post for hours, then I/they have a font look up and you do your best cause that is why we are here, not to have a fake "community."

Signs101 is like seeing a great rock and roll band, they will have some warts on their songs, but you leave believing that you have gotten their best.



New Member
The advice people get here is sometimes cold and brutal, but nearly always accurate and true with the objective of improving or helping.

If something sucks and you don't want to hear that then show it to your Mom... she'll put it on the fridge (right next to your 14th place spelling bee medal) and tell you how great you are.

Again...it's not about the critiquing comments for designs etc...but more the general advice that people give. Some people are just plain rude. Of course you have to expect all out honesty when you are asking for a crique and a design. lol...c'mon people give peace a chance. (choking on my granola) ;)

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Freedom of speech is great.... Time always bring out the best and the worst in people.

Alway's learned if ya can't say something good about a person, why say anything at all.


Premium Subscriber
Look folks, you're either building a business, working for someone in a sign shop or a student in the art field here at 101. It's a tough road, so why should it be sugar-coated whether we're critiquing or giving out information on something ??

This very subject comes up every so often and always for the same reason..... someone gets bent out of shape because their questions weren't answered right or they feel someone is being rude. Try to get over it, because you aren't gonna get anywhere complaining about and to the same people that are going to help you.

We all have a right to be here..... some for free, some paid and some are just good and stay on because they know what they're doing and talking about..... well, that last one doesn't fit anyone here, but it's a possibility.

Taking up sides with popular people or people with lots of posts or any other ridiculous reasons is your own choice. Every so often, someone gets their shorts pulled a little too tight and start crying if the terminology or cutting words aren't appreciated..... so what's to be done. ?? Nothing. Man up and take it on the chin and keep pressing forward and stop making excuses. Do you think anyone got anywhere in business by not having any balls and just sat there and bitch ??

Want it nice with sugar on top and a cherry on the tippie-top ??

:thumb: If you take your time and digest everything that came back at you, I'm sure you'll find more advise than you really suspected was there.

mark in tx

New Member
In all the time I've been coming here, I don't think I've seen or heard anything worse than what my better industrial arts teachers told me long ago. And they did have to be nice to a certain extent, but the first "F" on a project is just as good as a "that sucks".

Mr. Hohenstein, wherever you are, :bushmill: this one is for you!

Joe Diaz

New Member
I think as long as criticism is genuine and is given with the intention of helping or teaching, it is a good thing. It could be in the form of tough love, or constructive criticism. It might not even be the question you asked but the solution to a deeper problem.

For example: If someone wants to know how low to sell their products so they can undercut everyone in town, and instead of getting a price from others on this forum they get some wisdom on pricing what things are worth by veteran sign makers. Their original question isn't being answered, but they are getting much more valuable advice.

The point is, the advice might not be something you wanted to hear or something you didn't expect to hear. But as long as criticism is about trying to help the person asking the question, and not about taking out your aggregation or frustrations, or worst yet to only fuel your ego, then it is genuine.

Ideally criticism can be easier to digest without the attitude, but if the message is still the same, even tough criticism laced with a bad attitude can still be helpful.


New Member
When I first joined you people scared me! seriously, i posted once and hid for months before posting again. But as I got to know people here, i realized what i like best was the honesty in their responses.

Sure you can find a nasty comment from just about everyone here, but keep reading.... for most, it's few and far between.... and more importantly, It's REAL! Life ain't all nicey nice, should we pretend it is?

I'm Mary F'n Poppins at work.... please don't request that of me here!

This site, these people and the free flow of information, ideas, expression... from opinionated people.... well that's what i'm here for.

I know i'm better off for having found this site, warts and all!


New Member
clearly I live in a bubble ! lol...I guess I'm just one of those sunshine and lollypop kinda gals! NOT!! The difference is, I just try to say things without being an asshole. Call me crazy...but it's gotten me pretty far in life. I'd rather be known and a nice helpful person. If we all said exactly what was on our minds every second of the day, it would be a rather nasty world to live in. Sure...we all need advice and sometimes we need tough love. But I'll never understand those of us who seem to seek out the thread that is so unpalletable to themselves simply to to make some snide remark that only serves to prop their own low self worth up to high heaven.

This thread has some very interesting and valid remarks. To all who have read it and posted...it's been a slice. Good day! :)


Premium Subscriber
Well Sunshine.... I hope you always have the bird of happiness sitting on your shoulder and you don't wring his little neck when he poops on your blouse. LOL

No, you're right, it is much nicer to be positive and sport a happy face all day long, so that's why I drink. I'm not sociable, but I'm a happy drunk !!

Talk to me all day about nice things and I get all kinds a warm and fuzzy inside and then I'll slap ya across the room without batting an eyelash.......:wink:


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Freedom of speech is great.... Time always bring out the best and the worst in people.

Alway's learned if ya can't say something good about a person, why say anything at all.

My dear old granny used to say something like that. She'd say "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything." Apparently she had some Pollyanna in her.

I told her one day, after hearing this bilge for the nth time, "Try dropping the word 'nice'. There, doesn't that play a lot better." The old girl became apoplectic, served her right.

The point being that the only way words can hurt you is if someone smacks you in the mouth with a dictionary or backs a truck-load of newspapers over you. If you're the sort that chooses to feel bad when everything is somewhat less than sweetness and light, then you're going to spend a lot of time feeling bad. Deal with it.