Hey all,
Is there anyway to somewhat painlessly take an Autocad file (dwg) into Omega? Everything i have tried seemed to fail miserably. I work in Autocad all day long doing architectural drafting, and now have added another feather under my hat.
The companies we use for signage use gerber, which is why we bought it. the guy that did our signs in house, then sent them to be cut, is no longer doing it for various reasons, and now i need to take that over.
I have never used gerber before, and only today removed it from his system, and installed it on mine.
I have tried things such as exporting as dwg, dxf, eps, wmf files from acad. opening dwg, dxf, wmf, eps files in Corel 12 and saving out to omega. the sign people tell me that there is "substantial" amounts of work involved in trying to "clean up" my files.... is there anything i can do with this, or is it just a matter of biting the bullet and learning omega?
current programs -
AutoCAD 2004
Corel Graphics Suite 12
Omega 1.56
Is there anyway to somewhat painlessly take an Autocad file (dwg) into Omega? Everything i have tried seemed to fail miserably. I work in Autocad all day long doing architectural drafting, and now have added another feather under my hat.
The companies we use for signage use gerber, which is why we bought it. the guy that did our signs in house, then sent them to be cut, is no longer doing it for various reasons, and now i need to take that over.
I have never used gerber before, and only today removed it from his system, and installed it on mine.
I have tried things such as exporting as dwg, dxf, eps, wmf files from acad. opening dwg, dxf, wmf, eps files in Corel 12 and saving out to omega. the sign people tell me that there is "substantial" amounts of work involved in trying to "clean up" my files.... is there anything i can do with this, or is it just a matter of biting the bullet and learning omega?
current programs -
AutoCAD 2004
Corel Graphics Suite 12
Omega 1.56