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AVATAR.... Have you seen it?


New Member
I'm not into animated movies, but this one drew me right in.
Stunning visuals! Excellent movie. Going again before it leaves the big screen. See it in 3D.


New Member
I saw it in 2d because I don't like 3d movies because they give me bad headaches.
I thought it was a great movie. It shows how we can be so destructive as humans. The movie was based in 2153 i think. I wouldn't doubt we would be in that situation or something similar in the future.

i gave it 3 out of 4 stars.


New Member
It's not the storyline you should be focused on here, folks.
The animation is cutting edge technology. The graphics are amazing.
If you're a designer you'll dig it.


New Member
Maybe I'll actually go to the theater for this one. It's not really my kind of movie, but it looks neat. I just hate going to the theater. I feel like I'm on a field trip. It sucks.
Went and saw it last night - excellent movie. Definitely one I will buy when it comes out. Lots of underlying themes it seems, not sure if they were intended or not, but excellent movie in every way.

David Wright

New Member
Well after reading all the Ferngully references I had to look that movie up. Cripes, how much can you copy and not be sued for plagarism? The Pochahantes parallels were bad enough but sheesh be original will ya?

The planet was fully realized with a lot of beautiful and creative touches to give a good feel for an alien planet. I am glad to have seen it, the typical liberal bad guys and storyline not withstanding.

David Wright

New Member
And I was worried about spelling parallels.:Oops:

(On the other hand, I just started a sentence with a conjunction).



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New Member
Will be going for my 4th time tomorrow. I can see me watching this movie a couple dozen times, it is that good. On DVD it will lose a lot of its zeal, but it will still have 10 foot tall blue chicks with tails.

If you go to the RealD 3D screenings and are not impressed by the 3D, well then you have other more pressing issues you need to deal with.

Last week I found several high-res photos and printed them full width on the Mutoh. (Oh no he din't, oh yes Laverne, he did). They are now gracing my office. One is a full face closeup of Jake Scully's avatar and people will argue for hours over how it is not a computer generated image. The detail is astounding.

I am partial to Neytiri. She is obviously hot (as is her human driver), but the key is that after watching the movie (if you allow the suspension of disbelief and why wouldn't you after dropping $10) you sort of forget they are 10 foot tall, and blue, and have tails. They are just characters in the film.
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