US Cutter......24" x 50 yards....
751 - 197.00
651 - 90.00
Diff. - 107.00
divided by 43200 = 0.025 difference...So actually way less than 1/2 cent difference....
I'm not sure about your math... I think you are doing 150' x 24' to get a square footage of 3600' per roll.
Should be...
751 = 150' x 2' = 300 sqft so $197 / 300sqft = $0.66 sqft
651 = 150' x 2' = 300 sqft so $90 / 300sqft = $.30 sqft
Difference = $0.36 per square foot
Also you can't use a 1' x 1' piece off a 2' roll.
So when calculating your cost (Unless you save every scrap of vinyl) you're pricing should be figured as cost per foot off the roll not square footage.
751 = $197 / 150 = $1.31 foot
651 = $90 / 150 = $0.60 foot
Difference = $0.71 per foot
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is how I calculate my costs.