I've been using B2Sign for awhile, since they took over Go4Mat a year or two ago & I just quit using them.
There is a horribly long story to why I quit, but basically their colors can vary WIDELY! It states in their policy that they do not color match and they have used that on me. This last time I submitted 10 banners to be printed. 9 came back way too dark & the 10th was perfect. When I say too dark, I mean the royal blue was basically black and the lime-green was a really dark forest green. They said that they don't color match & I should be submitting samples beforehand, so I can see the colors come out right, referencing that sample (if it came out right) so they can use the same machine, adding at least a week to each order.
Furthermore, every time I ask for a manager or supervisor, they seem to be out doing something. B2Sign is incredibly cheap & fast, but so is their service & quality. It's not worth it anymore.