New Member
sorry sweetie but THAT IS NOT THE REASON i got put on a meat/protien primary eating regiment.Red meat also has a lot of iron in it. I know this is more important for a woman than man. But like OP my veggie friend's doctor put her back on meat for this very reason.
1st off we need to DISPEL A COUPLE OF MYTHS!!!!
1. PROTEIN: most belive you NEED MASSIVE AMOUNTS to live and be well. WRONG!!!!
American eats about 50% more than the recommended daily amount, which ranges from 40-70 grams each day depending on your gender, age and situation. 40-70 GRAMS!!!!! to understand that 28 GRAMS = 1 OUNCE!!!!!!! so 40-70 GRAMS IS ABOUT 2-3 OZ.the rest of that BURGER, STEAK, PORK CHOP, CHICKEN or FISH..............IS NOW TURNED INTO POOP!!!!!!! sorry if that sounds offensive but the old saying, "you are what you eat"....IS WRONG!!!! it should be " YOU ARE WHAT YOU DONT EXCRETE"!!!!!!
while on that subject, did you know that most COLON CANCERS reside with heavy meat eaters????
do some research on this, you might change your eating habits!!!!!
you can get more then enough DAILY PROTEIN ..........with BEANS, TOFU, MILK, CHEESE BUTTER.
or most any VEGETABLES.
2. IRON:
most belive you need a ton of it a day so you eat RED MEAT TO GET IT!
A deficiency of iron limits oxygen delivery to cells, resulting in fatigue, poor work performance, and decreased immunity [1,5-6]. On the other hand, excess amounts of iron can result in toxicity and even death [7]. THINK ABOUT THAT!!!!
DAILY REQUIRED AMOUNT..............8 -20 MILLIGRAMS!!!!! MILLIGRAMS, 20 mg = 0.000705 oz!!!!!!!
you can get all you need 1 cup of SPINACH.......=6.4 mg!!!!!! so 3 cups of SPINACH........will give you all you need!!!!!!!!!
Although the human body can make some of these amino acids, nine of them (the essential amino acids) must be obtained from food. Soy foods and animal sources of protein (milk, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, and seafood) contain all the essential amino acids in the amounts our bodies need.
Most plant foods contain the essential amino acids in varying amounts, so vegetarians need to eat a variety of plant foods to make sure they get enough of all nine essential amino acids. For example, legumes (cooked dried beans, dried peas, and lentils) are low in sulfur-containing amino acids (such as methionine), but they are high in another amino acid called lysine. Grains are just the opposite. So if you eat both foods during the course of a day, you can get all the essential amino acids your body needs.
after changeing to a FULLY LACTO/OVO VEGETARIAN in 1991-92 and remaining so till april of 2009, i can say it is a great way to eat. i learned so much more about food intake, values of such, and an overall basic FEEL BETTER-NESS!!!!!!! in all those years i never had HEART BURN, STOMACH ACHES, SOUR STOMACH, DIARRHEA or CONSTIPATION. my only complaint was the speed my system digested food, you eat.............YOU GO TO THE BATH ROOM within the hour!!!!!!
i belive and attest to a VEGETARIAN LIFESTYLE did keep me well up untill 2004, when i discovered i had bladder cancer. THIS WAS RELATED TO 30 YEARS OF SMOKING!!!
i will state this one again, i had my cholesterol checked in 1991, and was the PRIMARY REASON I WENT VEGETARIAN, as my total number then was 305!!!!!!!!! i tried the no RED meat, but no improvement. 90 days of STRICT VEGETARIAN, meaning very little cheese or eggs, and i brought my number down to 160!!!!!!!! and kept it there till the last couple years.
even on this meat eating regiment, i basically do POULTRY & FISH. red meat, as a meal just dont TASTE RIGHT TO ME!!!!! but i discovered that with in the the 1st year of a vegetarian diet.