Thanks for the responses everyone and a lot of good points.
Regarding the washers, for me, it is not so much about trying to cheap out. If I believed it compromised the product, I wouldnt do it. The benefits to me are:
1. At 7c a washer, and based on 10,000 washers a years, that is a saving of $700pa. Not massive, and you can't save your way to success. But savings like these do add up.
2. It saves us 2 extra seconds, not having to pick the washer up and place it on the base. 2 seconds x 10,000 = 20,000 Seconds = 333 Minutes = 5 hours. Once again, not massive, but it adds up.
3. Not having the washer actually provides a better finish, as the back of they eyelet curls over neatly, and doesnt purtrude, resulting in no scratches on the sign behind it. Unlike the washer which can leave scratchers.
For me it was a bit of a no brainer and just made sense. We haven't had anyone mention, question or complain about it, and we have tested it, and the eyelets arnt coming out. Unlike the washers, which can sometimes fall off.
When focusing on making money / efficiency, I like to look at both the top end and bottom end. There is no point just focusing on the bottom end, as you neglect the top end. At the same time though, if you just focus on the top end, you can experience slow leakage from the bottom end. I think it is a balancing act between the two, and it is about improving those 1 percenters.
I agree 100% with not trying to skimp on materials or compromise the product.
I like dougnuts
Fred made some good points, and his concept of a thread for "Best Money Making Tips" is a good one.
There is nothing sweeter than finding a good product / supplier in China. The problem is finding them, and not losing any potential savings in the process
Subbies depend on how you look at it, some look at it as low margin, whilst others look at it as making money for little effort
Once again everyone, thanks for your replies and looking forward to hopefully reading some more.